Water proofing or Resisting questions.

Ive been lurking for years collecting information and 99% of the time I find it. But I am at a crossroads and unable to get the information I am looking for anywhere.

I am using an entertainment center as my grow cabinet. I have removed the are the TV sat on and I have made the 1st and 2nd drawer into 1 large deep drawer by removing the floor and connecting the faceplates together. ( I will post photos once it is completed) My original plan was to use 6-5 gallon buckets but that didnt work as my measurements were off. So I opted for 6 of the 3 gallon fiber pots as I could manipulate them in to fitting better than I could a solid bucket. So my issue now comes down to drainage.

These fiber pots will leak(as that is my understanding)

So my thoughts are I could take bed liner and spray the inside of the drawer where the pots go
I could also seal it up with sealant at the edges and then use some kind of water resistant stain
I also thought about taking pond liner and dog earring the corners so that it made a perfect shape inside the drawer and then stapling the top edge in place and and gorilla taping the inside corner so that it didnt leak.
That way if water were to make its way out of the smart pots then I wouldnt risk the drawer getting water logged and getting destroyed.
Anyone have any thoughts or advice on this?

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
check out plasti-dip, it is all the rage

I am in a cabinet as well but with DWC, you should consider hydro, works great. It may be more work but fast growth!
I have everything to do a RDWC set up, But A buddy of mine convinced me to give soil a try. So I figured I would do that this round. I didn't even think of plasti-dip I have some of that in my garage now. Once I get this one started this weekend, Said same friend is coming over to help build a wall to wall, floor to ceiling cabinet so that I can have clones, And veg on one wall and then the other wall we will build it large enough to hold mine and my moms mature legal amount.