Water pump wont stop

CAM00498.jpgCAM00497.jpgNot sure what I did wrong but the buckets wont stop filling. The pump just keeps going. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Well-Known Member
What is the GPH or your pump? could it be that it's to powerful for the size of buckets you are using and the drain pipes can't keep up with it?


Well-Known Member
What size are your drain pipes, looks to be 3/8" if I'm right I'd change to 3/4" and see if that keeps up with the pump, I don't use pumps so I can estimate if your pump is too much, I'm sure someone will chime in and help further.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to see which is the feed and which is drain, from the looks I'd say the feed is on the right, your drain has an elbow with an extension almost the height of the bucket, thus it won't start draining 'till it reaches that height, I'd suggest lower the height of the drain pipe or raise the buckets higher, is that shut off for the drain? if it's for the feed close it down 'till you reach proper fill without overflow.
Yeah, the right side has my pump attached to it to feed and the drain is on the left. So, the drain has to be brought down to the sane height as the feed? I really can't bring the buckets up. Thanks for all the help. Any links you can post with pics or vids?


Well-Known Member
yeah id say lower the return's height. i always had my returns near to the bottom of the rez to allow easy return


Well-Known Member
Sounds like pump is outrunning the passive returns. One might cut into the pump feed line pop a tee in there, put a valve on the tee output and run the output back to reservoir as a floom. You can set the valve as required to dump the excess feed from the pump back into the reservoir. Just watch reservoir temps m
Thanks snaps... good to see i have some options. Not sure how much space i have to in a tee but I'll take a look. Thanks again.