water reservoir in a rubbermade garbage can?

I have one tote that I bought at the hydro store but is only 25 gallons or so.. I have a new rubbermade 50 gallon garbage can that I would like use as a water reservoir with my water pump. I would like to mix my nutrients and water in it. I am wondering if the plastic it is made of will have negative effects on the water??
No it should be fine. Back in the day I've used one of those as well and I never had no issues. I never let my nutes stay in any of my res over night. But always make sure you mix them well before feeding. I usually mix them for 30 min before I feed at least.
oh. ok thanks. do you think you can leave the water in there overnight, or for days, and then mix the nutes before watering?


Well-Known Member
Put it in the sun for a couple days to de-gas, then clean with mild natural soap, like Castile (Dr Bonners...) to remove any chemical mold release agents

Instead of h2o2, put a decent air pump (~> 45L/m)+ quality air stones
