Water Spray


Active Member
hello guys,

i think i am having a problem with that. i want to ask if i can spray my plants with water 3 - 4 times a day? coz i have a high temp. and the other question is that i water my plant 4 times a week and they are 5 weeks old now, can i water it more??? coz the temp is high and the soil dry easily.

thank u guys for any help


Active Member
transplant if ur soil drys out easily , as long as u are on veg u dont have to be that picky on temp matter just be sure that pots stay somewhat cool


I have a high temp and very low humidity, I usually spray after the lights are off and taht bumps up the humidity during the night and also into the morning light hours which they appreciate. On others I have tried spraying multiple times a day, and although to a point they enjoy it after a while they will start to show signs of overwatering- ie. leaves start to curl and cup so my advice would be spray once or twice a day but not during peak light hours. If its not enuf then upcan and ammend soil appropriately.