water turned milky brown overnight...

10mm fan boy

Well-Known Member
I just cleaned my res and mixed up new soup with H202.

The next day it is cloudy brown and with crap floating in it. Just for illistration purposes, it looks like a patch of dead skin floating on top of the water. It is brown and slimy to the touch.

I drained my res again and scrubbed it with bleach. Mixed up new soup with more H202.

The next day it looks like shit again.

This crap is in my roots and gets in my res during watering I am sure?

FWIW, I have had a problem with slow groth for a while now, but never had my water look like this. I am sure the two are related tho.

I have a new batch of clones ready to hit the tray and I am holding them back at the moment to see if I can get this fixed.

What is it and how do I make it die?


Well-Known Member
Usually brown slime is dead algae (green is live algae), Ive had white flakes & white blobs floating in my reservoir which indicates nute lock out, Ive also found white flakes in my nute bottle which I still dont know how it occurred in the actual bottle.

Can you tell me what you mixed in your reservoir.
What nutes are you using?
Check your nute bottle to see if there is anything in there by flashing your torch so you can see to the end of the bottle (assuming the liquid is clear).
What strength strength/grade is your H2O2 & how much did you add to the resevervoir ml per litre?

10mm fan boy

Well-Known Member
I started with RO water and mixed the following:

35% H202 - 1.5ml per gallon
super thrive - 1/4 tsp per gallon (these are mothers and plants that are vegging)
AN Sensi @ 1000 ppm

I add new H202 every 3-4 days. I have also since upped my strength to 3ml per gallon.

My nute bottles look good.


Well-Known Member
I started with RO water and mixed the following:

35% H202 - 1.5ml per gallon
super thrive - 1/4 tsp per gallon (these are mothers and plants that are vegging)
AN Sensi @ 1000 ppm

I add new H202 every 3-4 days. I have also since upped my strength to 3ml per gallon.

My nute bottles look good.
You should only add H2O2 once every reservoir change.

Check this thread https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/83532-do-not-use-hydrogen-peroxide-2.html#post1318021

ask FilthyFletch he is experienced with H2O2 uses.