Water With Dishwasher Soap Remanence Given To Moms...


Well-Known Member
Had a friend take care of my moms while I was out of town... about a week later they look a bit deformed. I have six of them in there, two look fairly contaminated... mutated leaves (three leaves) Growth isn't really stunted but when I pushed my hand onto the mother that looked the worst and then smelled it, it smelled a bit like dishwasher soap.

I'm guessing my friend cleaned the container we put the water in, and didn't rinse it well enough. I just ran a bunch of water through all of them, more through the ones that look like they may have received water with a bit of wishwasher soap in it.

Are these moms fucked? I have to take cuts 2-3 weeks from now. Again, not all of them are fucked up... but I'm curious what I should do about this. We use the all natural dishwasher soap, it may not matter, but I gave them a solid flushing... and will again tomorrow to try to get whatever was given to them out.

Assuming it was dishwasher soap, are these ladies fried? The growth really isn't stunted at all, they just don't appear as happy as usual.. a bit droopy and I noticed some mutated leaves. Will they recover if I flush a shit ton of water through them?


Well-Known Member
I also noticed a bit of bubbling on the mother when I ran regular water through it... fairly sure he didn't rinse it out good enough and some of the plants got a bit of dishwasher soap in them. Really hope they aren't fried because cuts cost alot of money. Should I just flush the shit outta all of them and see if they bounce back? Anything else I can do?

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
well u dont want to flush them too much cause u dont want to drowned or over water them and u also dont wanna starve them from there nutes too

id say u will be fine plus isnt soap biodegradable? they will bounce back just give it time


Well-Known Member
lol, i really doubt it hurt them. people here reccomend adding a drop of dish soap to *wet* your foliar feeding solution with *makes the water roll off the leaves easier*


Well-Known Member
Hope so, a couple of them look really fucked up... three bladed leaves etc. I will give them 3-4 days to bounce back and then maybe make plans to get some clones.... it shouldn't take them long to show signs of improvement if I really flush them out right?


Well-Known Member
I'll try to get some pictures up tonight or tomorrow... I don't understand the leaves with three blades... I had a batch of sour diesels do that during veg a while back and then some weird mutation started but I doubt that'll happen with these. I'll get some pics up


Well-Known Member
I'm actually thinking it's heat stress at this point. Took some pics just having a hard time finding the cord to the comp, may be time to buy a new one.