

K so u always hear o add this product at blah amount per gallon so if ur watering a soil plant are u just supposed to have the gallon jug there and do the mix then use all of it or as much as u can nand if ur plants to small for all of it does it still receive the full beneift amount of nutes even though it didn't receive full amount? This may be horribly stupid question but had to ask.


Well-Known Member
I have to ask, inside or outside? If outdoors is it in a container/pot or in the ground? Those are the questions that I know will be asked before you can get a reasonable answer.


Active Member
Once your seeds germinate, the first set of leaves they have are known as Cotyledon's. These leaves contain enough food for your seedling for roughly two weeks, and it is at 2 weeks of age your plants leave the seedling stage, and are then in the first week of Veg. I recommend starting feeding however after the first week of germination.

Like people, plants need both food, drink, and oxygen to not only thrive, but survive too. The nutrients is the plants food, the water is there drink, and the oxygen is sourced by them through the roots, and because of that, overwatering can kill your plants. Because of this, it is important to figure out how much water your plants can take. Once you have done that, you can then work out how much of the nutrient to add. You don't have to mix up a gallon and add the recommended dose for a gallon, you can do the math and change the volume of liquids you add to match the amount of water you intend to give.

If for example the guidelines say to add 20ml per gallon, half a gallon would be 10ml, and a quarter gallon would be 5. You can of course dissect this even further.

Hope this helps!


Ya I had flushed these babies and since the flush had hard time drying out they have other issues we are working through but this is where we are soils finally starting to get dry instead of being 10 on meter it's like 7 now so on our way to dry not quite there yet....



Active Member
I flushed cos got them all messed up bout to die from a friend
Best thing to do now is wait until they are on the verge of drying out, and begin watering with a proper feeding regiment. They're only small still so you could veg them for a few weeks to your desired size and then flip them to 12/12 for flowering.


Active Member
Can't quite see clearly enough in your picture, but there is a plant disease that is actually called "white spot". You should google it and see if you can relate to it. Also the browning patches on your leaves could be sign of a fungal disease.


Fungus even though my humidty been like 30 % on avg it appeared after a foliar spray with seaweed I'll look into it


Active Member
Plus they get a lil peroxide in foliar shdbt that kill fingus
Plant diseases can still occur no matter what the humidity percentage is.. The main reason humidity needs to be kept under control is to prevent mold and bud rot. However it could also be a calcium deficiency. A calcium deficiency can occur if your soil pH is either too high or too low. The recommended pH level is between 6.0 and 7.0, and calcium is best absorbed by the roots at above 6.2. If you should test your pH if you can, and supplement with CalMag.


Active Member
7.0 is Neutral so you're good to go there! Id still get some CalMag regardless, if you don't have any. It will sort out any calcium deficiency easily, and its a recommended supplement all round.