Watered with too high of PH, now what?


ok, so i watered my plantes with tap water and just found out that the ph is 7.5-8.. way too high, they have only recieved two waterings with this water (prior waterings was bottled spring water)... and the leaves on a few are curled into themselves... they were last watered yesterday. What should i do now?? Flush with good ph water? wait til next watering to do it? do it now? Any and all advice would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
A few waterings with off pH by that much shouldn't hurt anything. Next time they need watering just adjust the PH first. I watered my plants with tap water first month or so with PH as high or higher than yours, didn't hurt anything


Well-Known Member
soil is a hell of a buffer, they will be fine. generally if you added nutes it will lower it , if not no big deal


havent added nutes yet, but am planning to. Also some of my leaves are curled right up - almost like they were baked.


i really dont know what else could have done it. Temp is around 75, humidity is at around 50%. have a has on and circulation... so thats what the overall thought was... What else are you thinking?


Well-Known Member
IDK, pics would help, along with more info.

Lights too close? Hot soil mix? Who knows?

My outdoor plants get water straight from the hose and 75% of the time my indoor plants get it straight from the tap.
