Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

so after a bitchy little girl post about my girly waking me up... something a little more real!

took a plant at the kids just now, and have to say topping was an awesome idea! the ladies are looking lovely and bushy. if it continues at this rate i may begin force flowering within a couple weeks. all i'm truly waiting for are the lower nodes to branch out a bit, the topping has already made its effects known, the lower node leaf/branch development rate has doubled since topping. Still waiting on my straggler to gain some height, i'm hoping for an even canopy, aside from the one beast that is about an inch or so taller. I do expect that straggler to be reaching the average height by the weekend, its spitting up its next set of leafs/branches as we speak.

to put to rest my grow outlook, i plan to get the little ladies as shrubby as possible. once they have bushed out and i can more or less no longer see the hydrotron medium through the canopy, its force flower time. (hopefully they have matured by that time, so i dont have to deal with the possible stress) my main concern right now is lighting, i had to rearrange fixtures today as they are beginning to fill out. flowering light arrangment might be a pain in the ass.

i'm considering picking this guy up from Lowe's for my flowering lamp, and using my current lights as lower auxiliary fixtures.


i also have this beast of a CFL, 26 W actual... 300 WATT equivalent!! its in the proper light spectrum as well, around 2700-3000K. If i do go with that beast i'm in the process of developing a custom built hood for it, so the spiral can be sideways as opposed to right side up (like you would see in a ceiling fixture) as i've heard they are more efficient that way for growing.

not much else to say at this point. should have pictures up in a couple hours. just waiting on the cameras battery to get some juice. in the mean time, i just might get myself ready to face the day and head over to the friendly, neighborhood hydro shop.
What kinda light is that big one in the picture? And i think you might mean 68w being equivalent to 300w? Just a freindly fyi, most CFL growers try to keep away from posting equivalencies due to no one growing with incandescent lights. Those 68w CFLs are great though, try and get the 2700k if possible.
yeah thats right... my memory is shit. that light is actually an outdoor flood security light. its actual was 26 which is weak... but given the size of the fixture maybe??? i dont know, im off to the dro store to find a reflector for that beast CFL i picked up, i think it combined with a sturdy reflector and a few auxiliary lamps (by few i mean the 8 im using for veg, should lend to a respectable yield. (genetics, watering, temp... blah blah, aside, the light should be decent enough)

i might cave and pick this guy up though... Hydrofarm CFL Reflector looks pretty flippin' sweet to me.

peace my peoples.
Hey man. Just read through your thread and I must say, I learned quite a bit. I'm also a CFL gardener using the SCROG method, so I will be referencing back to your thread often. +rep for this grow man. Looks good, keep it up.
Right on...

LST is easy though.. you just tie a string to your pot...

As long as you do not break the branches, you will be good...

As for the light...

You never replied to my MEGA post on equipment, but I assume you read it...

I would stay away from things that will make you upgrade...

For you small grow, something like this would work splendid...


A 400 with a DIY cool tube would be even better... can you say PHAT NUGZ ?!?!?!

Cheers Bro!
yeah this is a great thread. how's everythin over here shackle?

Everything is going well! Thanks for dropping in blue mama. (see earlier post about nicknames) My kids have responded well to topping, I topped my 3rd last night, still waiting on two to catch up with the rest, and all will have been topped. I'm beginning to realize that my grow is turning into more of a mini SOG, rather than SCROG. I'm opting to bush out the lower limbs so that I go into flower with a huge stockpile of leafiness that I hope will lead to more stored energy to be converted to a hearty bloom. I may place a screen of some kind or rig some sort of plant stake to add support. BUT this silicon solution I've been using seems to make the kids nice and sturdy, thick stems for such young plants. :hump: (see post on 1st page of thread for library of nutrients)

Right on...

LST is easy though.. you just tie a string to your pot...

As long as you do not break the branches, you will be good...

As for the light...

You never replied to my MEGA post on equipment, but I assume you read it...

I would stay away from things that will make you upgrade...

For you small grow, something like this would work splendid...


A 400 with a DIY cool tube would be even better... can you say PHAT NUGZ ?!?!?!

Cheers Bro!

See above for my take on the LST. As far as this mega post on equipment goes, PLEASE share the link. I was listening in on all the conversations going around at the hydro shop and was blown away by everyones knowledge of equipment, I felt like the new kid at school sitting behind the popular kids waiting for a chance to chime in. But that time never came.. :cry:

I'm going to post some photos after this post of my current equipment/garden, let you know where I'm at as far as that is concerned. BTW I found a flowering light solution in the used equipment area at the hydro shop.. $12.50 for the reflector, you'll see.. should lend to a respectable blooming.

Hey man. Just read through your thread and I must say, I learned quite a bit. I'm also a CFL gardener using the SCROG method, so I will be referencing back to your thread often. +rep for this grow man. Looks good, keep it up.

I'm happy to hear someone is learning from my mistakes.. haha. This thread (Dopewear put it..) is just fuckupdate after fuckupdate.. lol!! This is my first go at indoor gardening of ANY kind, is there a better way to start??? So each day I'M learning something, so it's pretty cool to know my experience is helping others. RIU is the shizzz for sure, keep checking and I'll be sure to 'scribe your thread...

That is all for now (by now I mean this minute haha..) Pictures coming within the hour...
Well, It's post #66 on your thread...lol... page 7 if I am not mistaken...

Click on this link and it will take you to it...


I promise I am not trying to control or convert you to do anything...

I just wanted to share my experience with VERY COSTLY UPGRADES...

And you are starting to get your terminology crossed...lol..

no biggie... but you don't have neither a SOG or a SCROG...lol...

You could turn your grow into a SCROG, but by definition, SOG is growing lots of little plants as a single cola... you do the opposite from topping...

Here, this may help...

This diagram may also help you "visualize" LST a bit better... it is probably your best option, in all reality...

You could do a big ol' spiral and have a huge area with LOTS OF TOPS...

But ... go with what you know... I am just trying to illustrate some of the options

Since I have TOTALLY taken over your thread... lol... sorry... but I think you can benefit from some of this...

I figured I should show you my op... so at least you know I am not totally full of crap...lol...

Indicas @ 6 weeks...








Satvas @ 6 weeks...






The Op...



What do you think?

Well i think those look great!!!!! Nice job gypsy + REP!!!!!!!

Check out my grow..I think mine will be similar to yours... blueberry big bud, + mysteries that are huge! Hydroponic setup but i'm only watering 1x/day or every other day. let me know your thoughts and looking forward to seeing yours.
Alright man.. haha i appreciate everything you're showing me and all. But this is direction I'm going with, this is just a small personal use grow, so I'm not really concerned with a perpetual setup.

Moving right along as promised here are the photos.. They are a bit out of order.

(just saw they posted out of order... you can figure it out i'm sure)

PIC 1 That's right folks!!! 125 ACTUAL CFL wattage!

PIC 2 Check it out!! Lower branching is revving up. Also why are my stems shedding? Assume its good, just means its getting bigger and stronger

PIC 3 There she is! My flowering bulb in its housing. 2700K, don't plan on flipping it on until flowering, I will also have some auxiliary bulbs surrounding the lower branches

PIC 4 The straggler, still waiting to be topped. Those sexy leaves in the middle will top out the 5th node

PIC 5 This is my only concern, the small yellowing on the top edge.. early signs of N deficiency??

PIC 6 Just another view of the hood. I guess its actually called a "wing" i've heard it is AWESOME though

PIC 7 Red circles are topped, blue is waiting to be topped...

That's all for now, off to the flea market to get some fake ID's haha maybe...
Leave your thoughts, and input on PIC 5

:peace: and keep :joint:


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I think those plants look fine!

And Shack, I wasn't suggesting you go perpetual...

I was just trying to illustrate different routes you can go.. and what the different types of grow are...

I actually think that your best bet for yield is a screen or tying them down...

But I will shut up now and let you do your thing...lol..

You are doing great!

And NICE LIGHT set-up by the way.. your plants will love the extra light!

no biggie... but you don't have neither a SOG or a SCROG...lol...

You could turn your grow into a SCROG, but by definition, SOG is growing lots of little plants as a single cola... you do the opposite from topping...

Here, this may help...

hey gyspsy...i don't think you were talking to me? but if you were..i do believe it was a sea of green, a little bit un-trimmed, and to start out i was letting them grow vertical.... I haven't topped any of them...just Lsting. i'm going to let it become a scrog once the little branches start stretching more. It was a sea of green, then lsting, then moving into being a scrog. hope that explains it :)
quick note... i crunched a few numbers... if my calculations are correct, between the new CFL reflector and my plans for the 8 aux lamps, i can expect... are you ready for this??

22,125 LUMENS in the 2700-3500K light spectrum!!! given the dimensions of my grow area i think i have an awesome harvest ahead.
also, do you think these kids are ready for a more aggressive nute recipe? also anyone use any of the following General Hydroponics products..

-Liquid KoolBloom

...if so, what do they do? do they do it well? worth it for my grow setup??
wow...um...i really like ur setup man, thats like...a freakin DREAM op of mine. but is that ur flowering room? u got some blues and reds in there lol (mh an hps) what kinda fan are you using?
hey man i have the same water farm system as you, check it out. but mine has a res connected with a total of 8 buckets. you should never put more than one plant together in one bucket. i know it says you can but it is a bad idea.