Watering early vs watering late?


Active Member
I was just wondering what, if any preferences you have for feeding.

Do you guys prefer to feed before lights out or after the lights turn on?

does it matter? would the plant use the energy differently? Early would give it time to dry in the light right? Late would give it time to sponge and soak? lol

Just another hypothethical question thread by me. :)


Active Member
I have a wicking system(view grow in signature), but I change out the fluid when the lights first come on.
Cant really offer information on what is better or worse.

Except water+light=plant food.


Active Member
Either or, its just watering in the dark doesn't do much for the plants, I like to water within the first hour of lights on, just my preference.


Active Member
I know most people water their grass in the early morning as the sun is breaking the horizon.
*doesnt water his grass, waste of fucking water*