watering everyday????


Well-Known Member
You water when they are dry... bottom line. I knew this, but was trying solve another problem when I over watered. Everyone tells you to flush, but flushing with a soil medium is not wise (IMHO), unless someone knows how to do it different than I did.



Well-Known Member
you know ngtybear, you may have a point! All my trouble arose when I flushed. Why did I flush....because everything I read said that I should. Total BS, if it aint broke, dont fix it!!!! It most probaly was because of my ph here, not sure. whatever it was, it started right after my flushing. Things have gotten much better thou, thank god!


Well-Known Member
Same here... When I first posted the pictures of them sick, there was a resounding "flush!!" I ended up with bucket of mold and a half dead plant.

I am sure this works with Hydro, but IMHO, not with soil. If you think about it it makes sense. We put perlite in our soil to retain moister. Once it is full of bad shit (over nutes) it is there until it drys out or works it's way through the system. Pouring water over it does nothing as it is already saturated.

If I get a bad mix in the soil again, I will replant before I flush. It is easier, dry, and IMO, much less risk. Looking back, I should have just left them alone and only used water for a few waterings.


Active Member
I would guess every plant is diferent even if it is the same strain which would require you to treat every plant dIferently there your kids theyy all need diferent love and attention ....one plant may dry out faster then the outher one next to it .....so my advice would be to watch over each plant carefully and stick your fingers in the dirt and check each one ......PLANTS TALK THE WILL TELL YOU WHAT THEY WHANT .......................


Well-Known Member
Flushing you soil should not make your plants die like that. Your soil should be able to drain properly to prevent this. My babies get no wetter when I flush them rather then me just watering them. I just flush with tons more water!! To clear the picture up even more...i could put 20gallons of water in my 5 gallon pot. Within 7 days it would be dessert dry. good soil drainage is a must.... good soil drainage = Fox Farm :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

So the moral to this is.....soil users: dont be afriad to flush as it can save your plant. Just make sure your soil drains well enough!