watering/ first grow


Weed Modifier
ah i see,
might be a few days for them if they are at 1/2" , as long as lights stay on and temps stay warm they should grow


Active Member
so i checked my soil. and its still kinda moist, but i can see it drying out soon. should i just be patient still or try to mist the top?


Weed Modifier
Patients ... you've done what was needed, now its up to them to grow.:mrgreen: if you feel she is dry on top yes you can give light mist
Keep the soil moist. If you are worried about them drying out while you are gone punch some holes in the cup sides towards the bottom and place the cups in a bow or pan with an inch or 2 of water in it. Don't leave the lights too close they may grow and inch or 2 while you are gone.
Good luck and keep posting!~


Active Member
ty for the advice. will it be ok with water sitting like tht and not gett stagnant? an there are holes on the bottom, i just dnt know if the roots are tht far down cause they were planted 2 days go