watering help please -

Hey guys, need some urgent help. Just successfully germinated a couple of female lowryders, they have been potted in soil, perlite etc so all is well. They are autoflowering so have gone under the lights straight off, 2 things - (1) how much water do I give ? been spraying the pots but under the lights which are at about 72-75f they seem to dry out quickly :sad:. worried about over and under watering.

also, point (2) even at this early stage with the seedjst sprouting, do I have them up near the lights - 2 inches etc??

please can I have a few views , thanks in advance


Active Member
how big are your pots? but good rule of thumb is to stick your finger in the pot... when the first 2 inches on top are dry(DRY) water it till it drains out the bottom... after it drains well pick it up... remember how heavy it is... if the top layer is dry but the pot is still heavy it could just be that the top is dry... the best way is spend $15 or so on a moisture meter... when it says its dry... well... water them... and if your soil drains well its accually kind of hard to over water... but the plant does better if let dry out.. not only does this put air in the soil... the roots go looking for water when they dry out a little... you want that bc the more root you have the faster it can uptake water and nutes... stop by my thread and post any questions you may have... subcool is my role model but their are many others here growing awesome bed too... i just like the way he teaches...