Watering in big pots after transplanting


Active Member
I have started seedlings in 1L pots, after 3weeks I translated directly into 22L pots.
My question is regarding watering.
Many online guides suggest to water until 10-15% drainage is off. But i think that my plants will be overwatered with such drainage, since to achieve this in 21L pots i have to put too much water and the roots will be damages i suppose.
Can someone experienced explain approximately how much water should i put on each plant now, and during upcoming weeks? Now i do 300ML.
The plants are in 5th week from seed.
Picture below.



Well-Known Member
Water around the edges, so roots can grow into their new container in search for water. You should also wait until the top inch of soil feels completely dry to the touch before next watering. This way oxygen will penetrate into the soil and you won't over saturate the medium.


Active Member
@Hessam do i water the same way (around the edges) when i put nutrients also?
Will the roots absorb the nutrients if they are watered as such?
Thank you.