Watering issues


Hola again, folks.
I've been reading up more than posting lately, because one of my girls is actually doing pretty damn fine for what she has to work with (1 870 lumen CFL, flowering color range, not vegging. I know, I'm just broke as SHIT :) ).
In the last couple days, though, I've been having some watering issues.
Posts and faqs say to only water every few days when the soil is noticeably dry an inch or two in. That's been very possible until VERY recently (last 3 or 4 days).
I have two plants, one that's starting on her 4th set of branches, and one that's starting to revive itself. I start the seeds outside because New Mexico has THE best soil in the country, and I was having no luck starting indoors. Well, there was an exceptionally hot day, and the wind blew down a trallice (sp) I had been using to shade the plants a little bit for 2 hours during the day. They got burnt, and only one even looked like it could survive. Brought it inside, (I'm actually inside growing. I had trouble seeding so just started seeding outside), re planted it in some nice moist soil, and let it be.
The little round leaves died, and the edge of one is burnt, but I'm giving her a chance, and she's already growing her second set of pointed leaves. ANYWAY, on to the watering issue.
Little plant is in around 3" of soil, big plant is in around a full party cup (Full party cup grows). I watered them, and the VERY next day, the soil was bone dry on both plants down to the second knuckle of my middle finger. So, figured it was hot that day, and watered them again (I water til water starts to come out of the bottom).
The NEXT day, it was the same thing. It's only been around 70 degrees this month, no clue on RH (again, broke as shit). What's concerning me isn't my thirsty thirsty plants, though. It's the fact that the top of my soil is caked with white deposits, almost like salt deposits. Is this normal / acceptable, or should I be concerned about switching soil / water? I'd hate to switch the big girl this late into the grow process, but I will if I have to.
If y'all need pics or something described better to help out, just ask. I don't get offended.


Well-Known Member
You need to transplant them NOW 8" pots will do just fine as your next pot size.
The party cups will dry out very quickly especially if its hot and as they are trying to grow the roots need more and more water to grow.
(time to transplant).

(good luck).


There won't be a transplant, the plants are only going to grow in party cups. I did my research, and looked at the party cup grow competition, I'm not concerned about yield in the slightest.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Yep that party cup is going to be like a hydro setup now, probably could water and feed in the same day. Needs way to much attention IMO, unless you have nothing to do all day.


Every other day I'm a medical caretaker for an elderly person, this grow is for them too. I take insurance payments from a motorcycle accident a few years back, and truly have too much time, which is why I decided to grow ^_^


This first grow is indeed for fun. Once I'm sure I can grow, I have an entire ROOM set up in my house for growing. I believe I'm legally allowed to grow 16 under the NM medical laws, so I figure double that won't hurt once I'm comfortable.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Well i can tell you from expierence that the party cup is going to be more difficult than something with more soil in comparison to the size of the plant.


Well-Known Member
i grow in party cup sized pots... actually smaller than party cups.
to solve the issue i water 'ebb and flow' style. i put 4-6 pots on cheap disposable cookie sheets (25 cents a peice, usually get a month or 2 out of em b4 i toss em due to salt build up) and flood the trays with aprox 1/4" gallon of water/nutes per watering. some days i have to water twice, they drink fast and heavy when there in such small pots.


Actually, I was even considering a bubble ponics (is that the term?) type of grow, where I just put the cups in a laundry tub with a bunch of water and a fish tank airator. Is that something y'all would suggest for my second try?
And, yes, the challenge of the party cup grow is what attracted me to it. I like to start out small but fierce, it's the best way that I can learn things, personally :)