Watering method


Active Member
I was wondering during flowering what’s the best watering method lightly watering the soil every other day or drenching the plant every time
I was wondering during flowering what’s the best watering method lightly watering the soil every other day or drenching the plant every time

Saturate until runoff, then wait until the pot is dry, and saturate again.

If in coco, I believe that you can't let the pot dry out completely. If I'm not mistaken, coco needs to stay moist at all times. A coco grower can correct me if I'm incorrect.
Saturate until runoff, then wait until the pot is dry, and saturate again.

If in coco, I believe that you can't let the pot dry out completely. If I'm not mistaken, coco needs to stay moist at all times. A coco grower can correct me if I'm incorrect.
I am a complete newbie to the whole growing game but I chose coco, everything I read and everything people have told me I can agree with you coco should stay damp I think you can let the top dry out slightly as long as the underside is plenty damp however I have been keeping it plenty moist with no issues. I used soil once before for a test grow like gardening compost stuff and keeping the soil damp killed the seeds from damping off they sprung out of the dirt then less than a day later fell over yellow and died however in coco keeping it damp I havent had any issues at all, I believe the coco is way better at only holding what it can vs soil holding on to slushy dirty un oxeygenated water etc. But in conclusion I highly agree with both speks comments, saturating till runoff and not drowning the plants are fine and also keeping coco damp is good/fine.
Hey can you use the weight of the pot when soil is dry as a guide and just water every time it gets to this weight?
As the plant gets bigger it will weigh more though :P best way is just to water till some run off and then stop and let the rest trickle off dont drown them. Come back in a few hours and check them if they dont look dry come back in a couple more etc etc
Hey can you use the weight of the pot when soil is dry as a guide and just water every time it gets to this weight?

That's precisely what I do.

For new growers, I recommend filling an empty pot the same size as the pots the plants are in with dry medium. Put it beside the potted plants. When you go to water, lift a plant and the empty pot. If they are relatively equal weight, water.
As the plant gets bigger it will weigh more though :P best way is just to water till some run off and then stop and let the rest trickle off dont drown them. Come back in a few hours and check them if they dont look dry come back in a couple more etc etc

By the time the plant gets big enough, the dry pot lifting method will usually be muscle memory.
I was wondering during flowering what’s the best watering method lightly watering the soil every other day or drenching the plant every time
the method I advocate is one by which the grower
LIFTS the pot
THINKS water not the thinking is the important bit, considering leaf turgor, tops soil temps and other obvious factors

in flower it don't really matter a happy plant in flower will drink all is given as you will soon find out