watering my plants


Well-Known Member
is there a written guide somewhere? like how do in know i am giving my plants enough water.
i dont water to underwater of over water them.. how do i know how much water to give them??/?

do i water everyday? every other day?>


Well-Known Member
Its pretty easy actually. You water until the potting mix looks well saturated and you see run off (water coming out from the bottom of the container). You then lift the container twice a day, every day. When it feels about half way empty, you water again until you see run off. Also, always lift the container before and after watering so you get a feel for the weight. After about a week you'll have it down. This is the easiest way that I know of and it's how a lot of nurseries do it when they water by hand.


Well-Known Member
im growing in 3 gallon smart pots.

but the plants are only 13days old. so idk if watering till i see runoff is still to much water because the plants are still young

Bayou bud

Active Member
Need a pic of your plants and the pot to be able to size it appropriately. Vindicated was spot on. If your plants are small or if your medium is very light you can use a step on scale to weigh the wet and dry rates and you would know for yourself for sure when its dry. I have to do that with my medium because wet and dry its very similar