watering/ nutes


Active Member
Right i no that your sposed to water when the plant needs it like check the soil ect thats about every 2-4 days, well my question is...

Would you water every 4days with a mild soliotion of nutes ??

or would you stagger it,, with nutes solotion, 4 days later water, 4 days later back to nutes solotion then 4 days later back to water,

How do you guys do it>?


Well-Known Member
I saw on here you water every 3 days and then nute everyine 6 i believe it was idk you might wanna wait for a more experience grower to post on here and tell you.


Well-Known Member
I do not go by a schedule.

I water my plants when they need it, allow soil to dry out and then water again. It could take 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, etc.
Plants need more or less water during different times as they grow.

I do a Feed, Water, Water, Feed regimine.


From my experience and what ive read on RIU to get this experience is to put your finger about 3inches deep, if it is Damp then you dont need to water. Everytime my plants need watering i mix a pint glass with 2ml of my plant nutes and then soak the soil each plant.

If you have babies in a smaller pot its an idea to water them regularly to help there roots.


Well-Known Member
I mix a mild solution of nutes and just use it everytime I water, I only water once or twice a week. If you want to be absolutely specific about it you can get one of those cheap plant moisture meters at the local hardware store and wait till it gets down to about 2 and water them. Some people like to get specific and water 2 3/4 cup of water and such but the plant drinks more the bigger it gets and how much it is growing. Overwatering is a big problem but as long as you wait a few days between you should be alright. If you get too worried about it then just go hydro.....