Watering plants


Well-Known Member
Hello avery 1 , i have bin watering ,my mother plant as in the picture 2 times a day with 2 different 2littre bottles , one with a pinch of growth nutrients Instead of reading instructions blablabla , so a litle pinch to say ur plant is getting it , and the other 2 littre bottle has about 2-3ml of ormons ( i think its the same word in english ) .
So, when i get up at like 12 pm , I give it some from the nutrients and at midnight i give her some of the vitamin botle , Im not giving her any water by her leafs .
Will this way work good for my plant?


Active Member
yes that is to mutch water i think. what are they planted in a 4 oz cup? if the soil is wet dont water you will rot the roots when you can stick your finger down about two inches and its dry then water and you mite want to tip it out of the pot to see if the plant is root bound,


Active Member
and if you want hit them with a spray bottle in the morning so you can mimic the early morning dew dont use tap water to water or spray your plants and if you have a hps light watch out you dont burn your leaves


Well-Known Member
Well i tried growing after 2 months of reading and when my plant had reached 8 inches tall very green and healty i started putting in the nutrients i did the matchs cuz it was
2 full tea spoons for 20 litters so with a 2 litter bottle divide 2 tea spoons by 10 and get 1/4 tea spoon and i fucked up , so now i just put a litle pinch just to say ur plant is getting a minor boost


Well-Known Member
and if you want hit them with a spray bottle in the morning so you can mimic the early morning dew dont use tap water to water or spray your plants and if you have a hps light watch out you dont burn your leaves
The 400watter hps is only ther for flow :)
And if sum one els can affirme spraying my leafs at morning i probably will :P


Active Member
Unless you have good airflow i wouldnt even spray the leaves. You complete the disease triangle for downy mildew. The high humidity with high temps and moisture on the leaves, and low air flow it is mildew heaven. If you have good airflow the mildew cannot live there because it is an unsuitable environment, if that is the case spray away. i dont think time of day matters, plants are able to deal with rain, fog, dew, at any point in the day, they are adapted to it. However spraying in the morning may help reduce the chance of downey mildew.


Well-Known Member
Proper watering of containers require a distinct wet dry cycle. You soak the soil with a thorough watering and wait for the plants roots to use it up. If it's just after a transplant, it'll take awhile. If the plants have grown into the medium already, it will take less and less time between waterings as the plant grows.

Plants roots are at the bottom of your planter, not 2" under the topsoil. Find a way to check moisture levels down there, either your finger in a drainhole, or get a moisture meter.

Good luck