watering question


Well-Known Member
I always try to water in the mornings, a couple hours before the sun gets real intense. If I can't make it out then I'll let them sweat it out until dusk


Active Member
I hope i dont get bashed for this lol. this is a simple question why not water in the middle of the day? i dont use this method but why couldnt you? wouldnt it cool the roots a little from the heat?


Well-Known Member
I hope i dont get bashed for this lol. this is a simple question why not water in the middle of the day? i dont use this method but why couldnt you? wouldnt it cool the roots a little from the heat?
I water in the early morning to avoid evaporation loss from the sun.


Well-Known Member
no hard set rule says you have to water in the am. But if you grow outside. It would be like watering your grass mid day. you stand a chance of the grass burning from the sun. If you water to late you stan a chance to get fungus, mold. Compare to grass if you water at night you could get mushrooms growing. At least where I'm at it can be a problem. Inside I water when ever in the veg room and in the am or when the lights come on in the flower room.