Watering Question


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I just have a few questions :).

I switched to soil and I have been doing some reading but just want to clarify some things

1. When watering, I should continue to water an even amount until I get some runnoff, then not water again until the first 6 cm or so are dry? (Or get a moisture meter). Is 4 Cups way to much for 1 watering?

2. Im going to be using FoxFarm Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. Should I consider getting Grow Big or do you think the first few weeks there is enough fertilizer and such in the Ocean Forest potting soil?

3. Should I follow the FoxFarm feeding schedual and only add nutes to the water every other watering or should I add nutes each time (And in what amounts? By what they say on the feeding chart?)

4. And lastly, I have a grow box for vegging that is about 2 ft x 2 ft x 4 ft. I was going to ventilate it by adding a pc fan for intake and exhaust. Do i still need a osilating fan in there?

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I just have a few questions :).

I switched to soil and I have been doing some reading but just want to clarify some things

1. When watering, I should continue to water an even amount until I get some runnoff, then not water again until the first 6 cm or so are dry? (Or get a moisture meter)

2. Im going to be using FoxFarm Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. Should I consider getting Grow Big or do you think the first few weeks there is enough fertilizer and such in the Ocean Forest potting soil?

3. Should I follow the FoxFarm feeding schedual and only add nutes to the water every other watering or should I add nutes each time (And in what amounts? By what they say on the feeding chart?)

4. And lastly, I have a grow box for vegging that is about 2 ft x 2 ft x 4 ft. I was going to ventilate it by adding a pc fan for intake and exhaust. Do i still need a osilating fan in there?

Thanks guys!
1. yes water till run off then either go by weight or top few inchs. if you want to get a mosture meter i dont thin it would hurt

2. dunno ;)

3. feed every other but start with lower dosage than they suggest 1/4 or so then work your way up to full strength

4. its better to have an osilating fan in there to strengthen the stems and help air flow but you can gently bend the stems yourself everyday to get similar results. also depending on what lights your using you may find that the pc fans are not powerfull enough for what you'd need


Active Member
Hey guys I just have a few questions :).

I switched to soil and I have been doing some reading but just want to clarify some things

1. When watering, I should continue to water an even amount until I get some runnoff, then not water again until the first 6 cm or so are dry? (Or get a moisture meter)

2. Im going to be using FoxFarm Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. Should I consider getting Grow Big or do you think the first few weeks there is enough fertilizer and such in the Ocean Forest potting soil?

3. Should I follow the FoxFarm feeding schedual and only add nutes to the water every other watering or should I add nutes each time (And in what amounts? By what they say on the feeding chart?)

4. And lastly, I have a grow box for vegging that is about 2 ft x 2 ft x 4 ft. I was going to ventilate it by adding a pc fan for intake and exhaust. Do i still need a osilating fan in there?

Thanks guys!
#1 Yes water so that there is some run off. Check with your finger up to 2nd nuckel or you can get a feel for things by picking up the pot after watering.

#2 If i was you i would just pick up the trio pack. Yes there is enough nutes in the ffof for the first couple weeks.

#3 when adding nutes start of with a 1/4 strength and work your way up to full strength 1/4 1/2 3/4 full. After the 2nd week you can add nutes no erliar. feed them every other watering. Forget about the ff chart.

#4 Yes you will still need a ocilating fan to move the air around and it makes the staulk and branchs stronger.

Good luck
keep smokinbongsmilie


bud bootlegger
i was always told not to waste the $$$ on a moisture meter and just use a finger.. stick it in the soil and if it feels dry down about two inches or so, give her a drink. and you are right about the runoff deal as well.. i usually just carry my plants into the tub and water them till i see sum runoff..
if you have very small seedlings, maybe a week or so old, then the ocean forest soil should have plenty of goodies in it so that they will not need any extra nutes for a week or so.. when you do start using the fox farms nutes, start out with 1/4 the recomended dosage, and slowly increase it up to full strength as your babies grow ... make sure that you test your ph after you add the nutes to your water as the fox farms tends to drop my ph by two points.. you will want to keep it right around 6.5-6.8 or so..
the deal with the oscilating fan is that it helps to strengthen up your stems and make your plants stronger and thicker.. don't just keep the fan blowing non-stop on your plants, but rather just get them in the cross breeze.. so unless your pc fans are blowin on your plants, i would say go ahead and get a small oscilating fan in there as well.... nothing wrong with a little more air circulation in anyway..
hope this info helps you out some and good luck with your grow..


help please!
duno how t get pictures on, can you check my profile n look at my set up pic is that air pump enough?