Watering question...


Well-Known Member
are you flushing? or do mean just in general as feeding?
if you mean for your regular feedings just use enough so that you have some runoff at the bottom, wait for it to dry up, then use enough so that you have some runoff at the bottom, wait for it to dry up, then use enough so that you have some runoff at the bottom, wait for it to dry up, then...welll you get the picture.
are you flushing? or do mean just in general as feeding?
if you mean for your regular feedings just use enough so that you have some runoff at the bottom, wait for it to dry up, then use enough so that you have some runoff at the bottom, wait for it to dry up, then use enough so that you have some runoff at the bottom, wait for it to dry up, then...welll you get the picture.
Thanks. Yeah, I'm talking about general feedings, since my ladies are small now, I've been giving a liter and a half around the root base, and will continue to increase as it becomes needed. They are responding well, I just don't want to wake up all gung ho one day and think 2 gallons of water is going to help the situation...