uhm uhh wut?
Active Member
my schedule is to water twice in a row each time when the soil is dry, then once with nutes again when its dry, will this work? water water feed? any other ratio you guys use?
What do you mean by that? Should I be drowning them every 3rd watering like a mini-flush? Been doing this a long time but still feel like a fucking NOOBA third runoff every watering or feed is also good for the soil. Peace
No, just when you water allow a third of the water to run out the bottom of the pot allowing air to be pulled through the soil and some salts removed from the medium, of course in totally organic soil with organic nutes this is generally not needed.What do you mean by that? Should I be drowning them every 3rd watering like a mini-flush? Been doing this a long time but still feel like a fucking NOOB