watering soil


For the seedling stage is it ok to let the soil dry completely out for a little while? How long? My pot feels light but the soil feels a little moist would it be better to water it again if the pots are as light as before it's been watered or completely dry? Drowned my 1st one dont wanna make same mistake but dont wanna dehydrate it either. Anyone got and good advice?


New Member
Never let a seedling dry out all the way. It needs to create a strong, healthy root zone before this. What size container are you using?
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Ok, I suggest giving a 1/2 cup water a day, 1 hour after lights turn on ( never water before lights out!) without nutrients.
I've been keeping lights on 24 hours. Would it be better to 18/6? Or 12/12? I've read it doesn't matter


New Member
I suggest 20/4 Until You see Growth is healthy again, But its really up to you... Things are getting too hot for your ladies so, trying dropping some hours and/or get adiquate ventilation..


New Member
You want them in the same size pots... But since they are just starting, play it by how the little one reacts to 1/2 cup a day also. Might need more, might need less. It depends on too many factors to count, like air flow, RH, light intesity, etc..


New Member
Let them tell you what they want, if you look at them and see they are getting a little dry towards the end of the day add a 1/4 cup of water or so. Vice-versa
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