Watering times


Active Member
So when is the best time to water? Assume the plant needs water or Nuts. After lights go off, before light go on... In the middle, or stupid question it makes Zero difference. :lol:


I usually water when the lights come on or as soon as I can.. don't know if it makes a difference though I'm still on my first grow


Well-Known Member
When i handwatered i would water within 1 hour of lights ON, as any extra humidity caused by watering has enough time to leave the grow before lights turn off and humidity always increases at night.



agreed with jonda... I normally try and water at least an hour before to an hour after my light turns on (1000w HPS) so that the humidity isn't an issue. BUT always check [if using soil] by hand scraping the top layer to see if they even need it... My babes are in 4ish galloners so they water only every couple days.