i do once every 3 waterings myself approx, if your going to do it more you need to watch very closely for the leaf tips starting to burn and the leaves getting dark green, thats a sign your plant has as much as it can possibley take and adding more would hurt it. i could probably frrd every other water since i do a miniflush almost everytime i water. like someone said above drainage is very important. look up riddleme's thread on his i make it rain technique, i dont fuck with my ph on purpose like he does, its never seemed to help anything, i was noticing some of the same things riddleme was saying about giving a heavy watering each time and it made sense of why it seemed my plants did so much better, ive tried his fuck up ph on purpose idea and have had nothing but problems from it, no benefits compared to the method i use imo. he explains it better than i do, go check his thread out.