watering while under light

Yendi Zen

Active Member
i think it could burn the plant if you got it under the leaves but just into the soil... im sure nothing bad would happen

Yendi Zen

Active Member
i think it could burn the plant if you got it on the leaves but just into the soil.,im sure nothing bad would happen


Active Member
i understood that. but should i take it to the extreme on avoiding all droplets of water touching my plants.


Well-Known Member
the plant is verryyyy tough and bendy

u can get you hand and just lift up the leaves and water the dirt under

if you do get water on the fan leaves dont even worry the light s far enoug away, but if you manage to get a lof of droplets on the top half of the plant, nootgood. really


Well-Known Member
alright that helps. thank you. I'll save misting for the dark.

If your using a HID light unless its enclosed you NEVER EVER want to mist or foilar feed with the lights on. Damn things can BLOW UP with just one drop of water on them. I saw it happen. Lost a fucking eye. Crazy story !!

Yendi Zen

Active Member
its not that hard not to hit the plant... as a matter of fact... you should water alittle bit to the side so the roots stretch to the water making your plant grow as well


Active Member
really? lately I've been watering heavily on the other parts of the medium and then misting the stock or area closest to the route ball