watering with warm water


Well-Known Member
Diabolic- i have no problem using my tap as its about 200ppm. Using tap or ac water doesnt bother me one bit. Was just curious since its already in my feeding bucket is i could use it lol. Rather than dump it then refill it.

Thanks for replies i have been using it for week or so now an seem happy but thats like 3 feedings so was just checking.

Also, had no idea tap water could legally be so high. Thats gross man. Albiet bottled water is wikid exspensive there compared to here.

Pics are start week 2 veg then start week 4 veg. They growing for sure.
Try maybe throwing in a couple capfuls of h2o2 in your bucket just to be on the safe side. Plants loook good. I hope you have 4x's amount of space, I assume in pots that size you will veg them to be big gals.;)


Well-Known Member
Im doing 1 plant per light. Gets a 4×4 screen each plant/light and 15 gallon pots with promix... gets 24-26 oz each. 8-10 week veg under 1kw lights.

That is the game plan for me, i have a mentor sort of speak. Its all like second nature to him. Makes it look so easy. Hes been doing it so long that no matter the strain his yeilds are always over 1.5 lb each.

This is first roundd for me with the promix but i copied his room almost to a t. He going to stop by weekly or so to show me if im missing anything.

Plants get topped at 4th node and then get bent down(not supercropped) so that the branches still straighten out but opens middle of plant and inner nodes grow up.

Pics are above screen and below screen. Looking forward to next 3 month's. Dont wanna go back to hydro now that seen how simple this is compared.



Well-Known Member
Also, just ordered a sump pump for the ac... 80$ not bad to automated drain water outside. Ill use fresh tap every feeding. Not worth the risk i guess.


Well-Known Member
Hey, wondering if any issue watering my promix with left out water?

My minisplit ac takes ton of water out of the room. The water has 0 ppm and 7.0 ph. But by the time i use it the temp is at 76° . Doesnt smell bad but curious if water temp is too warm?

I add nutes abd adjust ph but the temp is what scares me alittle.
a simple answer...your fine :)