

My outdoor grow site has 3 different sources of water, just wanted to know what water source would be better for my plants. The 3 options are tap water from my house, a small stream near my site or a really old well also near my site.

a) Tap Water
b) Natural Stream
c) Well

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Well-Known Member
I'd say the well if it has good clean water coming out, but there's also nothing wrong with using tap, just let it sit for a day or two before you use it since there is a small amount of chlorine in tap water.

I have a trash can sitting with water at my site so usually I fill it when it's low and when I come back toaster a few days later it's good dechloronated water.

Hows the stream look? Is it Merkey green? Because if that water is clear then that could be good too mabey do a 50/50 mix with the tap water and you wouldn't even have to let t sit for a day.


The stream is clear. The main reason I'm curious is because I read that streams running through rock pools can give more minerals to your plants.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you could but it's really not that big of a deal I'm sure that stream will be great or even the tap water if used tap in ph'd and straight out the hose before its just better to get the cleaner water.

If you can test then test it but if not go with the stream or a 50/50 stream and tap.


Well-Known Member
I've watered with water from slimey nasty livestock ponds and it was no better or worse for them than tap water.


Well-Known Member
I've watered with water from slimey nasty livestock ponds and it was no better or worse for them than tap water.
Kind of like he said. The soil will act as a buffer. I've noticed anything can grow around a pond and I'm sure mother nature didn't ph the pond. Not all tap water has shit in it either, I know I don't add chemicals to my well.
Add dolomite lime to your soil and it buffers your ph to near neutral which is great. Use the stream or well. There is really no point in hauling in tap water it's just unneeded extra work. From my experience though it's always better if using a stream to store water from the stream in a collection barrel or garbage can to let it warm up between visits to your patch so that you aren't watering with cold stream water. The cold can give unwanted shock to your plants roots and takes them half a day to recover. I live by one rule in our mutual pastime and that rule is STRESS=LESS.... The more you stress a plant the less it will give back. Water temp is easily overlooked as a stress factor but it can adversely affect your plants


Well-Known Member
I would be weary of the 'old well' Lots of times they are abondaned for reasons like contamination , Know anything about it ? depth , how far is the closest septic system, Has the well ever ben tested to your knowlege . Over time most wells will become contaminated by simply not being used , EZ fix but good to know