waterlogged soil


help needed,
just gone and dug some holes in my spot.

Its at the top of a south facing hill in bushes, its primo position, but, but but but.....
Dug two holes today and as soon as i dig, the hole fills up with water, and i mean fills up.
Its like somones turned the tap on.
there is a spring that runs down the hill. not like a river but seeps through the ground.
i initially though this to be a good spot what with the spring but am now thinking its like growing in a lake.
its been very rainy here in southern england and am hoping the holes will dry out.
need advise, should i give up on them now and find somewhere drier or hope that the water drains away.
what do you guys reckon?


Active Member
can you plant to the side of the spring? if you could do that maybe you could dig a channel over to the plant to help keep it watered and you would be able to control that a little better.


Even if the holes did finally dry up... if they filled up once they will fill up again and too much water is just as bad as none at all.
I would start lookin for another spot.


Active Member
Dig big holes and put industry trash bags then soil,poke some holes in the bottom, and make a channel for drainage,or u can make raised beds,
Google swamp tubes,


Sector 5 Moderator
Just don't plant there. The roots *must* have oxygen for your plant's health. If the roots are in water to the exclusion of oxygen, they will die.


I have to agree with capone on the raised beds. You have to look at the glass half full on this one. You have a great secret location which is somewhat hard to find now and days. Take and dig the holes extra big and fill the bottom with a little bit of gravel and fill with good soil. Build a raised box for each plant and you should be good. If people can swamp grow then you should be ok.


Active Member
Watta ping watta pow, I'm good...lol
Only problem with swap tubes is visability but good tjings are
Abundance of water, big blants will cover tje tibes and looks more like a ceedrr tree


im not going to use the holes that i dug, its my first grow and i dont want anything too difficult to deal with.
its a shame cause it was ideal and with a spring there for watering.
you couldnt dig deep holes as soon as you removed a shovels worth it would gush in, fresh clean water!
found another spot in the woods, not perfect like the other one but ive gotta make do with what ive got.
going with frisian dew and passion #1
cheers for the replies


Active Member
Yo...make sure ur looking at ur area as if it was summer cause leafs,sun, are two big changes, sun rises higher and the leafs grow out further then the limbs


Yo...make sure ur looking at ur area as if it was summer cause leafs,sun, are two big changes, sun rises higher and the leafs grow out further then the limbs
there in sort of a clearing,they should get 6 or more hours light id say.
if i need to trim trees back to gain sunlight ill do that as they grow so i can judge what needs cutting back, like i say its not ideal but its the only spot i got left.