Wats ur favorite Drink/Brew??? & where did u have it first???


Well-Known Member
I would have to say my favourite shot is a JAH-RUSTA-FIRE Curcao at the bottom, Red Aftershock in the middle and absinthe poured over a spoon on top ... set alight cupped and shot a few of these and your on you way :) 1st tried at The Sun Rooms :) my favorite beer Red Stripe same place and my own fav. combo Jack Daniels, mixed with Cognac, mixed with Tia Maria Coke n ice :) - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
U read the title. im sittin here drinkin a brew wondering, wats everyone elses fav?? AND i was thinking im about to be goin to vegas and need sum reccomendations on sum new drinks! right now (just turn 21 last year)my personal favorite is a Bacardi 190 octane, With the xtra shots of 151 and superior. had it last time i was in vegas in one of the foot and a half tall weird shaped cups, lol. but wat you got in mind??:blsmoke:
I always like cran and vodka. or White russians...

And if I just met a nice biatch, I would get baileys and coffee.. Makes me very social ...heeheheee!


Well-Known Member
I would have say to my favourite shot is a JAH-RUSTA-FIRE Curcao at the bottom, Red Aftershock in the middle and absinthe poured over a spoon on top ... set alight cupped and shot a few of these and your on you way :) 1st tried at The Sun Rooms :) my favorite beer Red Stripe same place and my own fav. combo Jack Daniels, mixed with Cognac, mixed with Tia Maria Coke n ice :) - STELTHY

im in the US now, can get that around here, i wish tho, that sounds amazing!


Well-Known Member
blue moon, any magic hat brand, new castle, guinness , penn pilsner, moose head, labate, molsons, rolling rock, any sam adams. Ill drink anything besides any I.P.A., coors light, bud products, and most beers/malts that come in a 40oz.

as for liquors: tequilla slammers, rum and coke, jack and coke, gin and tonic with lime, stem vodka. I tend to steer clear of liquor and stick to beers unless I'm really trying to get fucked.


Well-Known Member
Next time ask for a Liquid Coke.

Its goldschlager & jagermeister. So damn good. But beware though.. lol its a shot. Not a drink.

double tom collins or rum and apple juice
A buddy of mine just got me hooked on those.. Tom Collins'.

And then, of course, theres the TPB's cult classic. Rum and coke.


Active Member
the best beer would have to be james ready u candian folks will know what im talkin about .. or some pale ale if your in the states.


Active Member
hahaha i dont kno why but fuckin rolling rock beer!!! its cheap but has a great taste!!! cant remember when the first time i had it was but its my favorite beer!!!


Well-Known Member
I have a friend whose mom used to always drink Old Fashions, and he's gotten really into them lately. Whenever we hang out he makes some. They're ridiculously strong (I think he uses more whiskey than normal), but really good and surprisingly smooth. Here's what it is:

2 oz bourbon whiskey
2 dashes Angostura® bitters
1 splash water
1 tsp sugar
1 maraschino cherry
1 orange wedge

Mix sugar, water and angostura bitters in an old-fashioned glass. Drop in a cherry and an orange wedge. Muddle into a paste using a muddler or the back end of a spoon. Pour in bourbon, fill with ice cubes, and stir.


Well-Known Member
This is my everyday beer and I like to have it as backer to tumbler of Jameson with 3 ice cubes.

And for mixed drinks
1part sweet vermouth
2part rangapur gin
3part ginger ale


Well-Known Member
Stone brew co IPA i think its from San Diego its got gargoyle their beer is incredible and their IPA is my fav. i have a hard time finding it though


Well-Known Member
Johnny highball = Johnny walker and gingerale
remy Martin and sprite or redbull is super good
flaming dr pepper,Irish carbomb, saki bombs

stone brewery is from Escondido ca. The beer is arrogant bastard. The Russian imperial stout is rowdy as well