Watt per square foot veg

Lara vanhousen

Well-Known Member
Tired of buying new shit for the garden. Hoping to switch over from my 1ks to a green house with flourecent lights and try to off set winter sun vs electrical cost for my spring crop. My t8s and hids seem like a waste to keep everyone awake. Just wondering everyone's running to keep there babies vegging.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I watched a documentary where they just hung a few CFL's around which was enough to keep them in veg..


Well-Known Member
Outdoor string light cord with some cheap led bulbs is all you need. I use 6w Cree bulbs from costco that were less than $1 a piece and they keep plants in veg no problem.


Well-Known Member
Not worried about growth, just keeping them awake. Need to light up at least 1500 square feet. Hoping stretch fills out the dep
look to the gas lantern method

where you flick on a light 6 hours into their sleep

you need not burn the power for all that night time

good luck


Well-Known Member
Cold weather was a more expensive problem to solve for me,without heat the buds are super frosty but way to airy. They worked nice for extract but lousy bag appeal in bud form