Way stinkier after a re-veg?


Active Member
Ok I got this purple trainwreck plant from seed and after budding I wanted to keep it as a mother because it turned out so Damn good. After about 2weeks reverting back to 24 hours light I noticed the smell of the plant increased dramatically. Also it just seems more crystallization has occurred. We all know some people give extended periods of darkness before harvest, but has anyone tried extended light period? Just a thought...
P.s I know how stupid this sounds, just throwing it out there.


Well-Known Member
I had to chuckle at your picture. It looks like you started harvesting at the bottom and started smoking as you went up.
By the time you got to the top you decided the buzz was so good you would re-grow her. My kind of planning!

Re-grown plants have just about double the bud sites the second time around. Because every spot that you cut off a bud will
grow 2 bud sites in it's place. Those 2 buds will typically be smaller than the first original bud, but the 2 of them are much larger together.
That's why I always get a bigger yield on re-grows. I just re-grew a NL x BB plant from World of Seeds. First harvest was 35 grams,
second harvest was 63 grams. It does take a lot longer to harvest the re-grow too.

To make a long answer longer, I'm guessing your re-grow is more odorifous because it has many more active growing points and bud sites.
Notice how much bushier she is second time around? More greenery = more smell.



Active Member
Haha actually that plant was outside this year, in all honesty I had forgotten it was back in the woods. It was given no nutes whatsoever, really no care at all. It turned out to be the smoothest most crystallized plant I had. Its now a mother and will be put back outside next year. The terpenes coming off this thing are amazing. and yea that plant looks funny as shit now


Active Member
I know...can't believe it lived through it. just starting to throw out One bladed leaves and goin into veg


Active Member
And don't ask why I started at the bottom and worked my way up lol, no idea........too medicated?


Well-Known Member
" I started at the bottom and worked my way up"

I start at the bottom when I harvest too. Reason is that I put the nugs on a filter for drying and smaller buds
sit on the filter edge better.
