Ways To Flowering Outdoors?

i have a bucket grow and im wondering if there are any ways to force my plants into flowering. in my region, the weather is unpredictable come october so i was hoping to induce flowering near the beginning of august. does covering them in a dark tarp work, or are there any other methods for faking 12/12 outdoor?

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
I heard of people covering smaller plants with garbage cans. I would like to do this too, but what if i was at work and couldnt cover my plant up, i cant just call my mom, dad, or sister and tell them too. Ill just have to go with it, if i get pre mature bud then well, i guess i get premature bud.


Well-Known Member
If your genetics are 9 weekers you have nothing to worry about.

If you have some very Sativa heavy genes then you might have a problem.

9 weekers start to flower the first week of August where I live. And they are done by the first week of Oct.
yeah they're 9 weekers but where i am i still get almost 15 hrs daylight at the beginning of August and the strain isn't really meant for wet october conditions. do you think theyll start flowering by august with around 14 hrs daylight still?


Well-Known Member
Aug 1st I have 14 and a half hours of daylight.

You do NOT need 12/12 to flower outdoors.

Instead the plants react to the shortening of the days and once the tipping point is reached within the plant and its hormone levels are right, it triggers flowering.


Well-Known Member

If you can somehow create black out conditions for twelve hours, each day, on a regular schedule, you can induce flowering, early. If you choose to try, be sure to sit inside the tent to spot any light leaks.

The darkness must be perfect for good results.


Well-Known Member
Another way to force flower outdoors is to take a clone that was grown under 24 hours of light and put it outside.

The plant will sense a drastic change in its photoperiod and it will start to flower.
ive been covering my plants for 2 weeks straight now but i forgot to cover it yesterday. would this effect my plants bud growth in any way?