
Active Member
they lookin good...it took me awhile to get my airstone....now its taking me forever to get these lights...im still debating on what kind of light i want to use
im gonna roll with a 150w hps for my ag, get some clones set up and have me some xmas trees every 4 weeks.

what you usen for ph control sicc?


Well-Known Member
I aint got a PH tester yet, ima get it down the line, right now i dont really want to spen 70 bucc's on one just yet, and yea i know how important it is but shit some times money has to go to different shit you feel me

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1788255]I aint got a PH tester yet, ima get it down the line, right now i dont really want to spen 70 bucc's on one just yet, and yea i know how important it is but shit some times money has to go to different shit you feel me[/quote]

I'm the same way man, the cheap $10 pH test kit is working like a charm, so no need to upgrade to an electronic pH meter just yet. Are you testing your pH?


Well-Known Member
Naw i dont got one, i thought they were like 70 bucc's, where did you get a 10 dollars PH tester?

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1788312]Naw i dont got one, i thought they were like 70 bucc's, where did you get a 10 dollars PH tester?[/quote]

It's the kit with 3 bottles, one tiny bottle of reagent, and two big bottles of pH Up & Down. Comes with a pipette and test tubes, everything you need :) I got it at the local hydroponics store, can't beat that value!


Well-Known Member
oh fa sho, i'll have to look around tommorrow when i go buy the rest of my suplies, good lookin out banana :D


Well-Known Member
check ebay. i got a pretty nice electric one for like 20 bucks. they've got used ones too you can get. check it


Well-Known Member
Yea i need to get somthing soon, my PBK is starting to turn a lil yellow, i kno it mornally happend with the AG but it trippin me out, i was so lucky to get that seed, im using spring water like vette but i let it sit out for a day like you would for tap water so idk if its the PH or what cause the other plants are doin fine, the TW started to go a lil yellow but its bac to green


Well-Known Member
those first leaves always turn yellow. that's what everyone says. mine did and i just left em and they turned out fine. have you started nutes yet? if it's gettin close to 2 weeks old, then they might just be ready for their first nutes.


Well-Known Member
Yea thats what i was thinking, i have read that too haha but im gettin all paranoid you kno, ima start Nutes on Monday


Well-Known Member
Well im goign to use he Stock AG nutes for now, probably next grow i will lookin into FF or somthing


Well-Known Member
and sicc, your sprouts are looking great man! the waiting just gets harder and harder once they start gettin hairy!