We can be nicer

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Well-Known Member
Hey folks. Been scouring these boards and so many helpful folks out there. Its truly awesome. But I see alot of "what were you thinking" type of responses.

Thats not very nice of us as a community. We expect new folks to somehow know what info to leave to get help or to know they shouldn't use Ph 9.5 water for they're plants.

For those who know what to do please try to understand that new folks are new. They probably didn't read the read this 1st threads. Which I can understand. Burning questions will be asked 1st then the boards get scoured and they come across those read this 1st threads.

All I am trying to say is were all new. We all didn't know shit, and most of us probably joined to ask a precieved stupid question that we could just "google".

Anyways please try to be nicer to folks. Its good for your and theyre mental health as well as helps build a solid community of like minded individuals.

Make jokes, have a good time, laugh together, but try to refrain if possible from replying with malice.

Have a wonderful day RUI
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I feel it's the younger crowd that never has had to look for their own answers in life, so just ask a question, that can be answered in 12.5 seconds of research

The serious questions get answered from what I see

The stupid ones, well, get what they usually deserve

So, if peeps take 10 seconds to research a bit, then pull the trigger on realistic questions, less unreasonable answers will follow

My $1.02 answer

That and Aliens

It's always the Aliens
I feel it's the younger crowd that never has had to look for their own answers in life, so just ask a question, that can be answered in 12.5 seconds of research

The serious questions get answered from what I see

The stupid ones, well, get what they usually deserve

So, if peeps take 10 seconds to research a bit, then pull the trigger on realistic questions, less unreasonable answers will follow

My $1.02 answer

That and Aliens

It's always the Aliens
some people like assurance, if you can take the 10 seconds to respond in a snark attitude you can answer it properly, you choose not to so why not just move along and say nothing.
Hey folks. Been scouring these boards and so many helpful folks out there. Its truly awesome. But I see alot of "what were you thinking" type of responses.

Thats not very nice of us as a community. We expect new folks to somehow know what info to leave to get help or to know they shouldn't use Ph 9.5 water for they're plants.

For those who know what to do please try to understand that new folks are new. They probably didn't read the read this 1st threads. Which I can understand. Burning questions will be asked 1st then the boards get scoured and they come across those read this 1st threads.

All I am trying to say is were all new. We all didn't know shit, and most of us probably joined to ask a precieved stupid question that we could just "goggle".

Anyways please try to be nicer to folks. Its good for your and theyre mental health as well as helps build a solid community of like minded individuals.

Make jokes, have a good time, laugh together, but try to refrain if possible from replying with malice.

Have a wonderful day RUI
Nice sentiment brother, I whole hardheartedly agree. It always made me wonder why some would go into the newbie section and berate folks for not searching around for the answers, especially when they post in a section dedicated to new folk. I think the worst was when I mistakenly realized there is a so called political section here. If you wander into it you will find a few folks dedicated to being ignorant, racist and generally horrible to each other. I could not believe such a disgusting section was even allowed here on RIU. It is so opposite to why I joined this site. Anyway thanks for the post, it is a wonderful note that all should take to heart.
some people like assurance, if you can take the 10 seconds to respond in a snark attitude you can answer it properly, you choose not to so why not just move along and say nothing.
Just like mom used to say, "if you have nothing nice to say than don't say anything at all." Than there was dads version of "shut your pie hole" accompanied by a clip in the back of the ear. They generally meant the same thing, just had a different way to get there.
Well thats the reason I'm here is to help where I can. I see to way too many people trying to prove their point, turns into an argument and who's cock is bigger thingy.

Debates are awesome can get alot of info from them. But when names get thrown around then it's going down hill fast .

I'm really here to stop the trolls /idiots from destroying someone's meds! So much misinformation that it makes me sick. So when I see advice that can harm a grow, I step in to stop the madness, and put that person in their place.

I can take the heat, I've been there. But I'm not here to brag about My grow, just to make myself look good, I dont need too, I help where i can.

And if I can help one person get to harvest then that makes me feel awesome, to help that person succeed! That's my goal...if more followed that this place would be truly amazing for all!

Well you do see a lot of questions being asked for the 1000th time and a simple search would quickly lead to the answers. And we do see some "wtf were you thinking" posts.

It's the internet, get some thick skin and be able to just scroll past stuff you don't like. Don't be all sensitive to everything you read, just like social media there are trolls.
Well thats the reason I'm here is to help where I can. I see to way too many people trying to prove their point, turns into an argument and who's cock is bigger thingy.

Debates are awesome can get alot of info from them. But when names get thrown around then it's going down hill fast .

I'm really here to stop the trolls /idiots from destroying someone's meds! So much misinformation that it makes me sick. So when I see advice that can harm a grow, I step in to stop the madness, and put that person in their place.

I can take the heat, I've been there. But I'm not here to brag about My grow, just to make myself look good, I dont need too, I help where i can. And if I can help one get to harveat then that makes me feel awesome to help one person succeed! That's my goal...if more followed that this place would be truly amazing for all!


Kinda my game plan

I don't discuss or post my grows here, well, it's unsafe actually. They don't strip any meta info, which is so simple with this forum software

So I try and help, assist, and kill time During the day

But lots of peeps bust out the F bombs and such, kinda childish

But that's RIU for ya
Well you do see a lot of questions being asked for the 1000th time and a simple search would quickly lead to the answers. And we do see some "wtf were you thinking" posts.

It's the internet, get some thick skin and be able to just scroll past stuff you don't like. Don't be all sensitive to everything you read, just like social media there are trolls.
Newbies don't even know where the search function is. When your in a panic tunnel vision becomes a very real thing. All I am asking of people is to think of that before they respond.

Or even better think of how that response would make you feel if the situation was reversed.
That real big thing that says "Search"? lol
Yea. It took me a minute to figure it out because I was in a panic about my plants. I made a thread, got responses like "Google is a thing" and then found the search function.

You may have been a member too long to remember being new renfro. Thats understandable. We all have shit memories from smoking weed.

It still doesn't give anyone the right to just act like an elitist because they know about the search function.
I'm new and I have to admit I asked people before I even used the search, which i do now, up to now I have only had goodwill from people, otherwise I would just blame the aliens hey or the Chiness,Russians and last but not least the person whose hair looks like a walnut wig the Trump dude.
All I know is that there seems to me to be a good group of people and I know I can be a dick and a smart ass and on on but I do try to have a bit of respect for the people who do help but I'm new so what the hell do I know
For clarity. I personally don't care if you rip me for asking a question, make fun of me, or try to make me feel lesser of a grower than you.

I care about the others who are really in need of help and get run off the boards because others are quick to be snarky.

I find it to be some of the worst human qualities and can easily be different if a moment of thought for your fellow humans is in your brains before you respond.
It still doesn't give anyone the right to just act like
Well I learned a long time ago that people do what people do and it's insanity to expect everyone to be like you'd have them be. I may not agree with everything people do or say but once I came to terms with it just being the way things are life was a lot easier. I just shrug it off and I am better off for it.
Well I learned a long time ago that people do what people do and it's insanity to expect everyone to be like you'd have them be. I may not agree with everything people do or say but once I came to terms with it just being the way things are life was a lot easier. I just shrug it off and I am better off for it.
Accepting the bullshit of the world doesn't change the bad bro.

Getting beat down into submission doesn't make it right.

But you do you bro. Il do me and continue to attempt to improve the world one kind word at a time.
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