We do grow in HS


Well-Known Member
Dutch..next for me is something from apothecary seeds and sannie...a little from both and I'm not sure what..I wish sannie had that huckleberrry in stock!! I drool when I see those pics..other than that around christmas ill have the 'potroast' bagseed done..a lot this time..then,stella blue and my creation 'afro samurai'..I have the pure afghan coming in a few also..so,its a variety for me..
Yeah I'm just pissed sannies stopped taking CC from the US now. I've been wanting to run Chocolate Rain for a bit now and just haven't. LOL I love the show Afro Samurai so thats sweet you're breeding it. Whats the genes?

Thanks for the heads up on the Martian. Can't wait to start it come the new year!


Well-Known Member
Glad to be of help man. I have a friend who has grown A LOT of both of their gear and really liked the CR.


Well-Known Member
Yeah looking at Sannies site always turns into a half hour ordeal trying to decide what looks best. Pretty much everything there is fire. I personally have had some great results lately from Emerald Triangle, but they don't have the rep someone like escobar has. Very happy with their Blueberry Headband. 3rd time growing it for me and 3rd different pheno but the other 2 were bomb so I think this run will be just as good.


Well-Known Member
E$kob@r has the real good good duck!..and yes water can be pumped..I got one of those crinkle hoses and its the best invention ever..hooked to my pump in a 30gal res,I can crimp the waterflow with a finger and thumb..I actually get to enjoy getting the ladies wet!!
Jj..your blueberry is nice dude! Huge!..I wanna do an outdoor grow this year...
Dutch..afro is blackwater(my purple pheno)Xcannadential..I keep taking the same pollen from the blackwater and getting freaky with the cannadential..gonna grow one more out,hit her with the pollen again..then I'm gonna go with 10 seeds and grow em out to find a keeper..would like to grow more out but space is limited.


Well-Known Member
Dutch..I feel confident if sannie said it has to be cash only..you'd get your shit no doubt..suck his cc orders can't happen..I hear its from the service not wanting to be 'affiliated'..altho that's what I hear..don't know for sure.


Well-Known Member
Dutch..I feel confident if sannie said it has to be cash only..you'd get your shit no doubt..suck his cc orders can't happen..I hear its from the service not wanting to be 'affiliated'..altho that's what I hear..don't know for sure.
I've heard his beans will also become available through TSD soon. You'll still be able to deal with him directly if you want. The whole situation sucks. It's happened before and people got their beans when they sent him cash.
Rory my comment about pumping water was inspired by your talk of mixing soils. Just being a snide hydro duck :)

I'm fucking stoned this morning.
Nice looking plants guys! I wish I could do outdoor.


Well-Known Member
Im installing my second 600 today. plants are taking off. I am going to transplant them soon using UBs upcanning tek. score the root ball on four sides then remove the first few sets of leaves and score the trunk.....then you plant it deep up to the next set of leaves. suppose to create root growth out of the trunk and make the root ball start producing roots like crazy.

hey, how long have you been breeding Duck? what do you look for in a male? just vigorous growth, or are there more subtle characteristics too look for? That is a fucking broad question and I am sure that is the art of growing right there. Finding the right male and female combo.... it has to be true love to get that perfect strain.


Well-Known Member
The seed run just completed was the start of me breeding. I've read a lot about plant breeding in general an MJ specific. The only way to truly judge a male's value as a stud is to grow his daughters, preferably from a few known good mothers. This requires growing out potentially thousands of plants to find a good male. The fact that I don't have the resources to grow a thousand plants to find a good parent means that I plan on sticking with what I know and making femmed seeds by using silver thiosulfate.
Depending on what traits are sex linked in cannabis (on the equivalent of the human X chromosome, the first example that springs to mind is color blindness in humans) males might offer some significant advantages because they will always be true breeding for those traits in their daughters. But that's sort of an unqunatifiable edge right now and I am good at selecting female plants.


Well-Known Member
Haha ducks love water..lol..I wanna go hydro,but like the women are afraid to leave abusive men,my partner is also afraid of the unknown..I'm working on borrowing a buddys 7 pot aero chamber just to show him how easy it is..I mean,my clones grow in the same type of system...he's just weird..and I'm the one that mixes..so no sweat off his back..lol


Well-Known Member
Set up a 5 gal DWC bucket and run it side by side with a 5gal soil plant. When he sees the difference in growth and can't tell the finished products apart he'll come around. Run an even mix of dyna gro protekt and foliage pro. Adjust the concentration so the EC remains steady as the plant drinks and watch her rock!


Well-Known Member
Just finished a Barneys Farm LSD grow. It is some skunky stuff, it'll get ya too. Major couchlock. Also one of the best plants I have grown, it produced very well and I was able to keep it pretty short at about 3 feet. Monstrous buds. I should be set for the winter.


Well-Known Member
I got a 7 site aero garden with advanced nutes whole lineup ready to go duck..my buddy who has it is in chicago till the 16th..then I'm gonna show him..hell come around..he's not dumb,just shy about the unknown..his argument is.'if one dirt pot goes wrong,I'm out half a plant(we split everything)..if I use a mono tek..and something goes wrong,I'm out the whole crop.'...then I point to my aero cloner and shake my head..
On a lighter note..just got a qp of some pakistani valley!!! Wow its nyyyyyyycccce...


Well-Known Member
two 600s going now. I think in 6 days I am up canning them and putting in 3 gallon bags. I think those seedlings will go into flower with them. I might make two of them outdoor/indoor winter plants. I will build them a space with a heater in the garage for night time then on nice winder days I will have them outside