"We got to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depended on it." -Michelle Obama

Trump was in Traverse City today and he'll be in Grand Rapids tonight, where I'm at. I drove down US 131 right through GR after my last pickup around 630pm, hoping I could see his bus. I would've got in front of it and slowed down to 53mph in my work truck and made the driver of the bus do a brake check or change lane to get out from behind me

I'm home drinking a beer and off duty now, but goddamnit I'd like to take the work truck right back up into town and get in everyone's way that's trying to go to his dumb rally
The only ones who will speak for him are losers and psychos as bad as him, this clown is a prime example of a future homeless person, if someone doesn't kill him in prison first. He is not rich and will be ruined by legal expenses at least.
It is amazing how people can look at what is going on in Trump's America and think, 'sure do want 4 more years of him to change this'.
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CASCADE, Mich. — Brian Dalley, 60, arrived at the Ada Bible Church at ten to 6, long before the sun rose and even before many of the election workers arrived.

He was the first in a line of about 70 voters that stretched along the edge of the parking lot here in this town near Grand Rapids, under a waning moon, their faces illuminated by phones and their hands cradling hot coffee.

Dalley has never voted before. But he lives across the street, and rises early, so he figured he’d arrive a little early. Standing in his plumber’s uniform and a faded American hat, he said he had never really felt the need to vote, that the country ran fine without his input.

But in April, he had heart surgery, and began tuning in to the news while he recovered. He did not like what he saw — protests against the president, and protests against racial justice turning violent. People tearing down statues.

“All the chaos and all the looting going on,” Dalley said. “You can be upset but you don’t have to ruin people’s livelihoods.”

He was upset, too, over the protests against Trump. It was unpatriotic, he said.

“You’re supposed to get behind your president,” he said.

The overwhelming majority of demonstrators were peaceful, but rioting got an outsized portrayal in some media coverage.

Dalley said it inspired him to vote for Trump — and straight Republican down the ticket.