we have lift off


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;cesOMCR0xOo]http://youtu.be/cesOMCR0xOo[/video] at the end it has a really cool moon station.


Ursus marijanus


Well-Known Member
virgin galatic just stating their private launch system is the same for satellites as it is for tourist vehicles.
this dude leaves his job at google to go and be with a company on the next space race to the moon. so far there is a 30 million prize for a team who gets to the moon first and completes a bunch of missions. the company is called moon express.


Well-Known Member
it went from 25 teams to 29 teams. its still google, but they uped the purse. 30 mill to get ot the moon by 2015. this race is heating up. japan just launched a robot cargo shuttle not really that important, sorta it will help but time will tell if it was a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
10 companies are going for a prize in san fran for $100,000 .
Digital Solid State Propulsion LLC: This Nevada-based company is working on new solid-state propellants that can be switched on and off using only electrical power. The propellants are "green" formulations that can't be ignited by sparks or flames, officials said.
ExoCoat: This startup, based in Texas, is developing bioengineered coatings to clean and disinfect spacecraft interior surfaces, which could safeguard crews by removing toxins or biohazards.
Nanoly Bioscience: Nanoly is developing a nanoparticle-based chemical shield that could allow vaccines and other perishable mission-critical medicines to be stored without refrigeration for long periods. The company is composed of undergraduate and graduate students from Duke, Stanford, the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
Nanosatisfi LLC: This company is working on do-it-yourself platforms for tiny satellites known as cubesats. The aim is to allow users to design their own experiments, then have access to the cubesat sensor payload at an affordable price.
Pine Aerospace, LLC: Pine Aeropsace seeks to provide rapid, high-resolution imaging and analysis for the oil and gas industries, to help them monitor and clean up spills. The company plans to use microsatellites and unmanned aerial vehicles.
Saber Astronautics LLC: This Colorado-based company is developing advanced artificial intelligence capabilities with 3-D graphics to aid space operations.
SpaceGroundAmalgam LLC: SpaceGroundAmalgam, based in Virginia, is developing inflatable components — such as reflectors, booms and solar arrays — to reduce satellites' size and weight.
Terapio: This Texas company is devising bioengineered therapeutics that could help mitigate the effects of radiation exposure.
Terminal Velocity Aerospace, LLC: Terminal Velocity Aerospace is developing basketball-size re-entry capsules for data and payload return. The company, which is based in Washington, D.C., aims to serve the nanosatellite industry.
Unreasonable Rocket: California-based Unreasonable Rocket aims to develop a commercial nanosatellite launcher.

thye will give and oral presentation and be award 100,000 if they win.

japan ran a equiment drop a week ago.


Well-Known Member
mar rover will land on sunday and naza believes the future rides on their landing. yeah right, space x is already planning to go just in the future. it cost them 2.5billion and is a tether lander. it will decend and launch a vechile on a platform with tethers to the main rocket till it lowers in all the way on the surface of mars and lands. some missions for the mars rover have been taken away but need to be replaced. basically no one knows whats going on. now to the taxi's http://www.space.com/16921-mars-rover-landing-future-missions.html

3 companies have won a grand prize in phase 3 of nasa's taxi service request. they will share 1.1 billion. space x has one launch by nasa so this puts them even closer at reaching their goal of mars and what ever else we arnt being told. boeing and sierra tech will also be part of this but as of late boeing as only put out information still on their space hotel. so theres more funding for that and with this contract it give them exposure. http://www.space.com/13309-cst-100-photos-boeing-private-space-capsule.html
blue origin and orbital science corp are also people under contract. more and more people are getting contracts and more things keep going up and come back. this looks like with 5 companies and so developing ferries and rockets to ride things up its not to far from now that there will be new pieces going up and more people getting jobs