we just realized we are making a mistake how will it affect?


Active Member
Me and my wife just realized we have been making a mistake with our growroom.....

Currently have 800 wats of Metal Halide running on 12 Master Cush clone plants......they are are getting the best nutrients we can fined and are being attended to daily. We have a fairly pricy fan and 2 vent holes biult into the closet to the outside.......

They plants are 7 weeks along in their first phase (Vedge) and only one of them has reached 1 ft tall....but they all look healthy and are pre flowering...they all curiously have 3 leaves at the top.

Our grow room has been running hot at certain times of the day (We live in Southern Cali and we added another rather noisy fan to try and help.....we also have a inexpensive fan pointed AT the growroom in an attempt to cool the air outside the grow room.

We just found out that we should have been coolign the lights rather then trying to keep the plants cool....and are fixing that this week with another vent hole and a set up that has one of the fans concentrating on the lights themselves.......

How much damage do you think we have done? Could this be why our plants are so short?


Well-Known Member
As long as your temps havent gone to high then your ok.

Plants being short is not a badthing. As long as they are growing and maturing thats fine. If you havent seen any growth lately, then that would be bad. But if they are 1ft, and bushy, then theres no problem.

Could you give us some pictures?

Goodluck buddy, grow on : )


Active Member
heigth is mostly genetic based.
i agree with the above if there is little new growth it may be a problem.
i had a similar problem with a closet grow
i used a good fan hanging right by the light to cool it.


Well-Known Member
i am growing 3 of those that are alot younger, but they do look like they are gunna be short and bushy. mine are only in the second week though. get some pics up and someone will help you better.