We killed your father - I'm heartbroken


Active Member
Hi everyone,

A few weeks ago, I was part of a very heated discussion in this thread : https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/318923-what-fuck-hes-only-helping-36.html

It was about a video of a few US Soldiers gunning down civilians from an Apache helicopter. While I and Padawanbater2 tried to convince SocataSmoker and CrackerJax that the acts in this video were more than despacable, they relentlessly tried to defend the war crimes portrayed in the video as "shit happens"; also going on to defend the Iraq war as a genuine pursuit of freedom and democracy by the Americans, for the Iraqis.

However, I just happened to stumble on this article of the first US soldier who arrived at the scene of that very shooting, and basically he's telling you to shut the fuck up.

Let me see you riggle your way out of this one, mate.

US soldier apologises for attack on Iraq families



Well-Known Member
lol your probably happy as shit right now.
Hahahahahahaha I second this assumption.

as for the article
McCord’s comments are likely to cause further disquiet: he claims he was so distressed by what he had witnessed that day that he asked to see a counsellor but was told by a superior: “Don’t be a pussy.”
"Quit fingerin' your pussy and man up soldier!" :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm happy as hell too!

“Personally I believe the first attack was appropriate,” says McCord, referring to the attack on the group of men.

“They did have weapons there. However, I don’t feel that the attack on the van was necessary ... the Apaches [helicopters] decided to completely obliterate everybody in the van.”

Turns out the towelheads DID have weapons.

As for the daddy, well yeah dad, you're in a war zone and you see people with weapons crawling wounded, and your kids are in the van, KEEP GOING IDIOT.

Darwin award for dad, and a STFU to all those who DIDN'T read the article, because it pretty much told yall to STFU and not us, the guys who knew it was justified killing.

Oooorah! Ain't it great to post evidence of your own ignorance?!


Well-Known Member
“The acts depicted in this video are everyday occurrences of this war,”

“Knowing that I was part of the system that took their father away from them ... it’s heartbreaking,” said McCord.

“That is what helped me and Josh write the letter, hoping that it would find its way to them to let them know that we’re sorry. We’re sorry for the system that we were involved in that took their father’s life and injured them.”

I really hope you sleep well SS.
War is not simple...You can't sit here stateside and armchair quarterback...
I think that had anyone here been to War,you wouldnt have much to say other than War is Hell and sometimes needed.
If in a War Zone I see some tangos get waxed,and then someone drives up and starts helping them,then Im hosing them...
The guy/father,by proxy,killed himself and almost killed his kids by stopping to help insurgents..and to do this when one or two Apache's are buzzing around is plain suicide...
For those that don't like the War on Terror...know this..We didnt Start it..they did...


Well-Known Member
War is not simple...You can't sit here stateside and armchair quarterback...
I think that had anyone here been to War,you wouldnt have much to say other than War is Hell and sometimes needed.
If in a War Zone I see some tangos get waxed,and then someone drives up and starts helping them,then Im hosing them...
The guy/father,by proxy,killed himself and almost killed his kids by stopping to help insurgents..and to do this when one or two Apache's are buzzing around is plain suicide...
For those that don't like the War on Terror...know this..We didnt Start it..they did...
What did they do to start it?


Well-Known Member
i guess some people forget we gave the afghans aid (you know, weapons, money, etc) when russia invaded them. but now isreal is in trouble so now we gatta surround iran with american bases. and believe me "freeing the people" is not the reason, thats laughable. if they want freedom so bad let them worry and fight for it. seems like we're the ones spreading the terror. but what can you expect without a proper investigation into 9/11. this shit will only get worse.


Well-Known Member
I really hope you sleep well SS.
“People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”

-George Orwell

I sleep great padawan, the Tempurpedic really helps too.

And as for that guy apologizing, screw that! I agree with Riddick up there in that the dad got himself killed, and put his kids in unnecessary danger in a hostile war zone.

Have any terrorists leaders or members apologized for the uncountable number of dads/moms/sons/daughters they have killed?


Well-Known Member
no. soldiers are just acting on orders. im sure a lot of them would rather fight for americans then arabs or whatever you would call them. but even some of them just dont care, as long as they can be all gung ho. some people get off on human tragedy.


Active Member
Dumbasses fightin over old technology like oil, because their fat faces get taxation from it. Once the hydrogen bridge is finally crossed, oil will be as ancient as black and white tvs lol. h20 4 fuel buddies...1 day.


Active Member
my brother is in the war right now as a corpral in the marines.
i know this is sad but if you were in a war you didnt want to be in and 1 person in a group had a RPG which could kill everyone in the helicopter id shoot them as well.

they are much to casual about killing but from storys of bootcamp it seems we train them that way so they dont start cryng and get other americans killed. war is war and think of all the innocents that died from terrorist attacks.

the war on oil is redundant considering we can make a better fuel from hemp. but what can we do?

and patawan if u dislike america and its troops i whole heartedly ask you to leave.
if america wasnt apart of certain wars you wouldnt have any freedoms bro.

our leaders suck :( i wish someone smart would run for president


Well-Known Member
If I was in Iraq and the American army killed all my family and my friends...I'm damn sure I'd become a "terrorist"

Nobody attacks without sufficient reason.

It's all about oil...war = money.

Also.... "if america wasnt apart of certain wars you wouldnt have any freedoms bro." Complete and utter bullshit. Are you really trying to tell me Terrorists are gonna take over america?



Well-Known Member
i guess some people forget we gave the afghans aid (you know, weapons, money, etc) when russia invaded them. but now isreal is in trouble so now we gatta surround iran with american bases. and believe me "freeing the people" is not the reason, thats laughable. if they want freedom so bad let them worry and fight for it. seems like we're the ones spreading the terror. but what can you expect without a proper investigation into 9/11. this shit will only get worse.
i agree balzin we started these guys -
before us they really were camel jockies
and i think all american action in the region is securing base for war with iran, the rest is spin
our government is fucked and needs replacing as bad as any other