We killed your father - I'm heartbroken

mr ubbit

Active Member
Ignorance? You think the killings were justified? Yeah, they had weapons... so what? owning a weapon is as normal as me or you owning a dog.... if i was over there, protecting myself and my family would be my number one priority, that doesnt mean they were terrorists.... and your whole "it's a warzone" excuse is total bullshit.... i realize it is a warzone, but WE, americans, made it that way... this is their home, he was driving his kids home from school for christ sake...... if you see one of your neighbors, dieing on the street, what would you do?...


Well-Known Member
It's very tricky over there. It's not like it is over hear in the U.S where you can easily spot a criminal in a bad area. It and they look all the same over there and our troops are already hot and frustrated. What I'm saying is sometimes we got to kick ass and take names later! I would rather see a few innocent deaths to there people than to see just 1 of our troops harmed. If it was not for us then way more of there people would be killed by there own kind.


Well-Known Member

saddam made iraq a warzone ?

i think we just took it from him
it was the easiest place, already all funked up, as big as a country(WOW!), infrastructure(BIGGER WOW!), and inhabitants used to being told what to do(SUPER WOW BONUS!)=stocked base in middle east for modest effort

IF, perhaps a war with iran started first I would IMAGINE serious american casualties in securing a near by area inside the middle east or asia to run command and supply from as i'm sure international temperature would differ from the scenario in iraq


Well-Known Member
War is not simple...You can't sit here stateside and armchair quarterback...
I think that had anyone here been to War,you wouldnt have much to say other than War is Hell and sometimes needed.
If in a War Zone I see some tangos get waxed,and then someone drives up and starts helping them,then Im hosing them...
The guy/father,by proxy,killed himself and almost killed his kids by stopping to help insurgents..and to do this when one or two Apache's are buzzing around is plain suicide...
For those that don't like the War on Terror...know this..We didnt Start it..they did...
How did the Iraqis start it?


Well-Known Member
“The acts depicted in this video are everyday occurrences of this war,”

“Knowing that I was part of the system that took their father away from them ... it’s heartbreaking,” said McCord.

“That is what helped me and Josh write the letter, hoping that it would find its way to them to let them know that we’re sorry. We’re sorry for the system that we were involved in that took their father’s life and injured them.”

I really hope you sleep well SS.
I take it you've been in the military? Didn't think so.:eyesmoke: I've said it before and I'll say it again; It's always a shame when innocent people are killed in war. You weren't there, you don't know all the details so making a judgement about this unfortunate incident is a bit irresponsible. Apache pilots undergo a battery of psychological testing...........that's before they even get behind the stick. I suppose it's possible that some sociopath got past the Army's screening process for helo pilots. Not very likely though. I'm willing to bet that these guys who flew the chopper that took those guys out feel worse than any of us can imagine. To demonize these soldiers for what appears to be an honest mistake is foolish and irresponsible. If your city was invaded would you stay and risk being killed? I don't think I would. Just being in a warzone opens you up to the possiblity of being killed by an errant bomb or a scared 18 year old's bullet. ;-)


Well-Known Member
How did the Iraqis start it?
Saddam defied U.N. resolution after U.N. resolution. He violated the U.N. imposed no-fly zones on an almost weekly basis. He prohibited inspectors from inspecting several sites of interest on numerous occasions. The first gulf war never ended. There was a cease fire signed which Saddam violated again and again. Saddam could've cooperated.......he didn't, and we know how that story ended.:fire:


Well-Known Member
Ignorance? You think the killings were justified? Yeah, they had weapons... so what? owning a weapon is as normal as me or you owning a dog.... if i was over there, protecting myself and my family would be my number one priority, that doesnt mean they were terrorists.... and your whole "it's a warzone" excuse is total bullshit.... i realize it is a warzone, but WE, americans, made it that way... this is their home, he was driving his kids home from school for christ sake...... if you see one of your neighbors, dieing on the street, what would you do?...
Oh my god...


Active Member
The guy/father,by proxy,killed himself and almost killed his kids by stopping to help insurgents..and to do this when one or two Apache's are buzzing around is plain suicide...
Who said that never happened? The point here is that the pilot, as you can see from the radio chatter, is a cunt. He deliberately gunned down the wounded journalist for his own pleasure. It has nothing to do with whether the guy was an insurgent or a green alien from mars - you don't shoot wounded people, it's a war crime.

We didnt Start it..they did...
Oh I'm sorry... I forgot Saddam declared war on the USA


“People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”

-George Orwell
Yes, violence indeed.

according to a lot of people on this site they are lol
Only...? Oh I'm pretty sure I can find a couple of hundred million Iraqis, Vietnamese, Somalians, Koreans and Afghans who would be more than happy to agree.

if america wasnt apart of certain wars you wouldnt have any freedoms bro.
World War 2 finished 65 years ago, sunshine.

I would rather see a few innocent deaths to there people than to see just 1 of our troops harmed.
Yes, because one American life is worth 5 Iraqi lives, of course.

If it was not for us then way more of there people would be killed by there own kind.
In Iraq...? Hmm... Funny how you don't bother invading other countries where people "kill their own kind" on a larger scale.

Saddam defied U.N. resolution after U.N. resolution. He violated the U.N. imposed no-fly zones on an almost weekly basis. He prohibited inspectors from inspecting several sites of interest on numerous occasions. The first gulf war never ended. There was a cease fire signed which Saddam violated again and again.
Yes and of course the United States never defies any UN resolutions....

Saddam could've cooperated.......he didn't, and we know how that story ended.:fire:
Oh so that's it now... If you don't cooperate with the UN, the United States invades your country and kills off the civilian population? I see.

Well, how kind of you to inform me that the USA is now the world's global authority on political issues.



Well-Known Member
Are you really trying to tell me Terrorists are gonna take over america?
Well, there's one in the White House. So sure, it's plausible.

if you see one of your neighbors, dieing on the street, what would you do?...
Here in America, I'd stop and help, over there in Iraq, I'd say Allahu Akbar and praise be to him that is dying and continue on my merry way, being that I have my KIDS in the car and there are people all over the ground crawling, wounded, with weapons.

you don't shoot wounded people, it's a war crime.

Yes, violence indeed.
Shooting wounded is a crime? The enemy is the enemy, no matter wounded or not... leave them alive and they will come back with more vengeance, screw that, I'm going around with the Colt 1911 and popping rounds into anyone that moves.

And of course violence, it's how it has to be... have you not watched the Animal Planet? Violence is as natural as you can get, just watch some Meerkat Manor!


Active Member
"Only...? Oh I'm pretty sure I can find a couple of hundred million Iraqis, Vietnamese, Somalians, Koreans and Afghans who would be more than happy to agree."

You're right, it is how they are raised by their parents and their schools. Todays lesson: America is Devil.... Hopefully when we finish this war and bring peace to this shitty nation everyone can get back on track in school and start learning skills to get a job and not grow up learning hate and how to blow themselfs up. Ease up buddy, its just a forum afterall


Active Member
Shooting wounded is a crime? The enemy is the enemy, no matter wounded or not... leave them alive and they will come back with more vengeance, screw that, I'm going around with the Colt 1911 and popping rounds into anyone that moves.
Yes it's a war crime. You tend to the wounded, no matter what uniform they're wearing or what colour the skin on their dick is. Same goes for prisoners of war - you take them into custody, you don't fucking shoot them.

You, an American; citizen of the United States of America, the self proclaimed advocate of liberty and freedom should know that! Or are you a "terrorist" too?

No, of course you're not, you're just ignorant. If you're so bent on being "natural", go live in the jungle with the animals - go on, I dare you, since you seem to like violence so much. Funny, coming from someone who enjoys the luxeries of living in mainland America.

"Only...? Oh I'm pretty sure I can find a couple of hundred million Iraqis, Vietnamese, Somalians, Koreans and Afghans who would be more than happy to agree."

You're right, it is how they are raised by their parents and their schools. Todays lesson: America is Devil.... Hopefully when we finish this war and bring peace to this shitty nation everyone can get back on track in school and start learning skills to get a job and not grow up learning hate and how to blow themselfs up. Ease up buddy, its just a forum afterall
I love reading hypocrisy.

And you.. you too weren't raised by your parents and TV to believe that all arabs and gooks live in "shitty countries" and grow up learning to hate Americans and blow themselves up?
Funny how you seem very sure of it - I bet you've never even been to an Arab country.

And if it wasn't clear already... you're mixing your fox news up. Palestinians are stereotyped as suicide bombers - not Iraqis. (you couldn't even get that right lol - what a failed bullshitter).

this wars fucked up. all i have to say.
Yes well I haven't recently heard of one not being fucked up.

Yep, that's war... dirty, raw, heartbreaking, but most of all, necessary.
Of course it's necessary - weapons manufacturers and oil company owners need wars to stay in business... Or did they tell you it was for "democracy" again?

Ah you soppy cows... you'll never get it, will you. And I suppose everything is all Obama's fault, right? Sure.. some black kid is now running the country, and before that we had a coke head who can't speak and before that a sexaholic... Right...

Don't forget your pills ;)



Active Member
man you take things way to seriously. I never said I am a war vet, never said I went to an arab country. I was never brought up hating anyone, you don’t know so much now do you? I hate those who attacked my country. I know that they live in shit holes because of what I see with the war coverage. If my country was a war zone it would be a shit hole too, but it's not because we have a great government who protects us. Imagine if all military presence was taken out of the middle east right now. Every single soldier. What happens next? Only a fool would say peace (yeah that’s you).


Well-Known Member
Yes it's a war crime. You tend to the wounded, no matter what uniform they're wearing or what colour the skin on their dick is. Same goes for prisoners of war - you take them into custody, you don't fucking shoot them.

You, an American; citizen of the United States of America, the self proclaimed advocate of liberty and freedom should know that! Or are you a "terrorist" too?

No, of course you're not, you're just ignorant. If you're so bent on being "natural", go live in the jungle with the animals - go on, I dare you, since you seem to like violence so much. Funny, coming from someone who enjoys the luxeries of living in mainland America.

I love reading hypocrisy.

And you.. you too weren't raised by your parents and TV to believe that all arabs and gooks live in "shitty countries" and grow up learning to hate Americans and blow themselves up?
Funny how you seem very sure of it - I bet you've never even been to an Arab country.

And if it wasn't clear already... you're mixing your fox news up. Palestinians are stereotyped as suicide bombers - not Iraqis. (you couldn't even get that right lol - what a failed bullshitter).

Yes well I haven't recently heard of one not being fucked up.

Of course it's necessary - weapons manufacturers and oil company owners need wars to stay in business... Or did they tell you it was for "democracy" again?

Ah you soppy cows... you'll never get it, will you. And I suppose everything is all Obama's fault, right? Sure.. some black kid is now running the country, and before that we had a coke head who can't speak and before that a sexaholic... Right...

Don't forget your pills ;)

Oh really? :dunce:


Active Member
man, having your whole life wittle down to bombing yourself and innocent protestors must really suck.


Active Member
nice painting, I was the one who said a "shitty nation" and I called the country war zones "shit holes".