We killed your father - I'm heartbroken


Well-Known Member
I guess all africans are suicide bombers too?
http://www.africanews.com/site/list_message/24304 :dunce:

So are you, and all other americans?

And who the hell said Iraq is a shithole?
Wow, you are so smart and junk! Where did I say or even imply that all Iraqis are suicide bombers? I honestly don't get what point you were trying to make. Look at the comment I quoted and put in bold red letters (kinda like this). That's what I was responding to. I was simply showing that there are some Iraqi suicide bombers. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Are you just wanting to pick a fight with someone? I'm not interested. :-?


Active Member
and no arrid you moron im not saying terrorist would take over the world.
lol what if the country you hate so much didnt bring down hitler when he rose to power?
yes there is a very good chance you wouldnt have your freedom if we let him do what he wanted


Active Member
the fact of the matter is no matter how much you gus bitch and cry were still gonna kill iraqis untill our terrible goverment decides not to.
if your that much against your country please leave theres enough dipshits here already.
i hear canada is nice


Well-Known Member
Yes it's a war crime. You tend to the wounded, no matter what uniform they're wearing or what colour the skin on their dick is. Same goes for prisoners of war - you take them into custody, you don't fucking shoot them.

You, an American; citizen of the United States of America, the self proclaimed advocate of liberty and freedom should know that! Or are you a "terrorist" too?

No, of course you're not, you're just ignorant. If you're so bent on being "natural", go live in the jungle with the animals - go on, I dare you, since you seem to like violence so much. Funny, coming from someone who enjoys the luxeries of living in mainland America.
Maybe in your world, in the real world... you don't HELP the guy that just tried to kill you, especially since he'll probably have a grenade in his hand ready to set it off once you do. Just ask any vet.

If they throw up the white flag and come out with their hands high, sure I'll take them prisoner and do all the paperwork, but since when do towelheads come out with their hands high?

Ignorant on this subject, very doubtful, I'm an avid WWII buff and Desert Storm buff, I love strategy mostly, but the down and dirty fighting gets me too... I wish we still had the Gladiator games that the Romans had, that was awesome!

I've also no problem living with the animals, at least 2 times a month I go out with my bowl, ganja, and a few things such as a topo map, compass, flint, knife and I enjoy a weekend in the woods far away from everything... but also within my natural settings. I mean, you don't see grizzly bears in Africa do ya?


Active Member
man you take things way to seriously. I never said I am a war vet, never said I went to an arab country.
Of course you never said so - but you talk as if it were true, which makes you look very stupid.

I know that they live in shit holes because of what I see with the war coverage. If my country was a war zone it would be a shit hole too, but it's not because we have a great government who protects us.
Yes, Iraq is a shit hole because you bombed the shit out of it - bravo, at least you got one thing right.

Imagine if all military presence was taken out of the middle east right now. Every single soldier. What happens next? Only a fool would say peace (yeah that’s you).
What a ridiculous question. The middle east is a geographical region which contains over 10 countries - how could you possibly say there would be peace or not?

By military presence you mean all forgein military presence, I assume. And by "middle east" you mean Iraq, is that correct?

Then no, there would be no peace in Iraq if you took out all the coalition troops present there because we stirred up a civil war. When Saddam was in charge, he was a cunt but at least Iraq wasn't a shit hole and in shambles. That is what you and millions of Americans fail to understand.

Iraqis were better off without us occupying their country. They don't give 2 camel's balls about democracy - they had what they needed and they were happy. If they cared so damn much about "democracy" they would have fought for it themselves.

and no arrid you moron im not saying terrorist would take over the world.
lol what if the country you hate so much didnt bring down hitler when he rose to power?
yes there is a very good chance you wouldnt have your freedom if we let him do what he wanted
You're trying to compare World War 2 with Iraq? lol - what a joke.

Hitler invaded half of Europe, started on Russia and North Africa and murdered millions of civilians. How the fuck does Saddam even come close to that?

Maybe in your world, in the real world... you don't HELP the guy that just tried to kill you, especially since he'll probably have a grenade in his hand ready to set it off once you do. Just ask any vet.
Yes well the American armed forces might act like savages, but in the British Army we try to be as humane as possible with wounded soldiers.
What kind of logic is "shooting all wounded enemies" because they might have a grenade on them?

Oh well let me shoot every black man I see in case he might try to rob me.

Just ask any vet.
Any "vet" who actually answers the way you do is a cowboy and shouldn't be in an army.

If they throw up the white flag and come out with their hands high, sure I'll take them prisoner and do all the paperwork, but since when do towelheads come out with their hands high?
You expect a wounded man to pull a white flag out his ass and put his hands up?

I think you need to learn the difference between someone who has 3 bullets in his chest (a wounded soldier) and someone who has surrendered (a POW).

Ignorant on this subject, very doubtful, I'm an avid WWII buff and Desert Storm buff, I love strategy mostly, but the down and dirty fighting gets me too... I wish we still had the Gladiator games that the Romans had, that was awesome!

I've also no problem living with the animals, at least 2 times a month I go out with my bowl, ganja, and a few things such as a topo map, compass, flint, knife and I enjoy a weekend in the woods far away from everything... but also within my natural settings. I mean, you don't see grizzly bears in Africa do ya?
I'd be careful if I were you... Who knows.. Iraq has WMDs and Saddam might invade any minute... Wouldn't be very nice if an Iraqi jumped out the woods and stuck a bayonet up your ass while you're shooting up, not would it?



Well-Known Member
Maybe in your world, in the real world... you don't HELP the guy that just tried to kill you, especially since he'll probably have a grenade in his hand ready to set it off once you do. Just ask any vet.

If they throw up the white flag and come out with their hands high, sure I'll take them prisoner and do all the paperwork, but since when do towelheads come out with their hands high?

Ignorant on this subject, very doubtful, I'm an avid WWII buff and Desert Storm buff, I love strategy mostly, but the down and dirty fighting gets me too... I wish we still had the Gladiator games that the Romans had, that was awesome!

I've also no problem living with the animals, at least 2 times a month I go out with my bowl, ganja, and a few things such as a topo map, compass, flint, knife and I enjoy a weekend in the woods far away from everything... but also within my natural settings. I mean, you don't see grizzly bears in Africa do ya?

Dude, would you just listen to yourself? The gladiator games? Are you serious? In a civilized society? While it might have been "awesome" to the spectators, I guarantee it wasn't "awesome" to the slaves being slaughtered or even the gladiators themselves.

I personally think your attitude about people, war, or humane behavior is really disturbing. Especially when you add in the comments you made in that other thread Richi posted where innocent people, including kids, were being killed/wounded. I'm not sure you're the best source to go to for advice on issues on morality.

Doesn't this stuff seem like it belongs in an uncivilized society? Some shit we'd see in the Muslim world or a devastated 3rd world country? We talk up a big game here in the States about how peaceful, moral and righteous we are, but look what America produces, even with all the built upon knowledge that's there for any open mind to learn about even with our free public education system, nobody has an excuse to hold these kinds of beliefs. There are reasons we don't have gladiator games today, and it would benefit you to understand them.


Active Member
"Of course you never said so - but you talk as if it were true, which makes you look very stupid."

or maybe that is the way you are interpreting it, making you the one who looks stupid. All I am giving is my opinion on certain countries, always vague and hard to interpret for you apparently. You're fighting opinions here, I think the middle eastern countries are shit holes, so what? The shit you say is just as stupid as the stuff anyone else is saying, difference is you're getting your panties in a bunch....Or perhaps we should address the real issue here of you being a pussy. So some guy got gunned down in a war zone and so did a van, grow some balls and move on with your life man.


Well-Known Member
Yes well the American armed forces might act like savages, but in the British Army we try to be as humane as possible with wounded soldiers. What kind of logic is "shooting all wounded enemies" because they might have a grenade on them?

Oh well let me shoot every black man I see in case he might try to rob me.
Ummm... there is a HUGE difference between your normal everyday black man, and the towelhead that just tried taking your melon off your shoulders.

Your logic fails on that one.

Any "vet" who actually answers the way you do is a cowboy and shouldn't be in an army.
Any "vet" who answered as I did has actually been to war, while you sit here and "guess" what they should say and shouldn't say, should do and shouldn't do... how about you sign up for service and volunteer to go to Iraq, see how it is after your squaddies get blown by a trap and you watch their limbs fly off, and the nice little puff of red where their bodies used to be. I bet you will love the towelheads as much as I do after you see what they do, and yes, even to their own kind!

You expect a wounded man to pull a white flag out his ass and put his hands up?

I think you need to learn the difference between someone who has 3 bullets in his chest (a wounded soldier) and someone who has surrendered (a POW).
With 3 bullets in his chest, I am almost positive I would be doing him a substantial favor by ending his life quickly, instead of bleeding out because we all know healthcare in Iraq is about like healthcare in the Congo.

The difference between the two is this, the guy with 3 bullet wounds, if left alone, will most likely die... however if not, he will come back only with more hate to exact his vengeance on "zee infidel".

The prisoner of war was smart, he'll be taken into custody, 3 hots and a cot, chillin' with his towelheaded friends, and then eventually, returned to his native homeland to plot and plan another attack in the name of all that is Allah.

There's a saying I love, it's "Kill'em all and let God sort'em out", which is exactly what I think we should do to any combatant against Allied forces in this war we are in.

You cannot "rehabilitate" a terrorist, you cannot make him like you, so why on earth would you want his kind to survive? So that he may come and blow up another subway station in your country, how about a schoolhouse full of kids? How far are you willing to let them go before you finally realize what is right and start supporting our mission.

I'd be careful if I were you... Who knows.. Iraq has WMDs and Saddam might invade any minute... Wouldn't be very nice if an Iraqi jumped out the woods and stuck a bayonet up your ass while you're shooting up, not would it?
Yeah... another failed attempt at saying something useful.

You should just give up now, maybe raise the white flag?

Dude, would you just listen to yourself? The gladiator games? Are you serious? In a civilized society? While it might have been "awesome" to the spectators, I guarantee it wasn't "awesome" to the slaves being slaughtered or even the gladiators themselves.
Shit, those guys loved it... being a Gladiator was a thing of honor... those were REAL men, no time for terrorist loving pussies in those days.

I personally think your attitude about people, war, or humane behavior is really disturbing. Especially when you add in the comments you made in that other thread Richi posted where innocent people, including kids, were being killed/wounded. I'm not sure you're the best source to go to for advice on issues on morality.
Aww, innocents being killed? In war?! No way!!!! Well, I guess perhaps the innocents should rise up against those that are doing most of the killing of innocents (suicide bombers, not any Allied military force) and stop them! Oh wait, nevermind... all they do is sit inside their homes and watch our guys get blown up, screw'em... they should've never let themselves be taken over the way they were, forced to do shite work for terrorists in exchange for their lives and the lives of their families... have you even talked to any REAL Iraqi's? My guess is no because if you had, you would not say near the amount of idiotic things you say.

Doesn't this stuff seem like it belongs in an uncivilized society? Some shit we'd see in the Muslim world or a devastated 3rd world country? We talk up a big game here in the States about how peaceful, moral and righteous we are, but look what America produces, even with all the built upon knowledge that's there for any open mind to learn about even with our free public education system, nobody has an excuse to hold these kinds of beliefs. There are reasons we don't have gladiator games today, and it would benefit you to understand them.
I am a worldly person, American education sucks, and most Americans know absolutely nothing about the world except that their country is "The best"... I have traveled many places to enlighten myself of the reality outside our borders, a thing which I seriously doubt you have ever tried doing, just by the way you talk it seems as if you've never even been out of your own country! What would you know of true terrorism? The shit you don't hear on the media because locals won't talk about it to just any dumb gringo. Until you've walked through villages that were prior terrorist hideouts, and talked to the people in that village, your opinion is pretty much nil.

As for the gladiator games, they sure cut down on crime, and as I said wayyy up there, it was a thing of honor to be in such a position... you could learn a lot from those men.

Socatasmoker you won the quote contest by being quoted 4 times in a row.
LOL bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
lol I just think the op is trying to bash the US,Why bring this shit up now?Its like 2 months since that old thread


Well-Known Member
lol I just think the op is trying to bash the US,Why bring this shit up now?Its like 2 months since that old thread
That seems to be the fashionable thing to do these days if you live in Europe. How quickly our friends forget all the help they get from good ole Uncle Sam. Seriously, it's like telling your own rich ass uncle to f*** off. Not a very smart idea.:dunce:
That seems to be the fashionable thing to do these days if you live in Europe. How quickly our friends forget all the help they get from good ole Uncle Sam. Seriously, it's like telling your own rich ass uncle to f*** off. Not a very smart idea.:dunce:

Indeed..had it not been for the United States..well.....Europe & Britain would be a Nazi hell hole to this day...


Well-Known Member
Indeed..had it not been for the United States..well.....Europe & Britain would be a Nazi hell hole to this day...
We bailed their asses out in WWI, then again in WWII. We throw billions of dollars in aid to countries all over the world. Who was first on the scene after the Haiti earthquake? Who devoted a shitload of resources to the tsunami victims? Every time there is famine in Africa who sends food, medicine? I realize other countries help out as well, as does the U.N. America is the most charitable nation in history yet everybody seems to hate us. Perhaps we should stop helping everyone else out since they seem to not appreciate our help. I don't agree with all of our foreign policies and of course bad things happen in any war. There will always be innocent people killed and mistakes made in war. Some of those "mistakes" turn out to be outright criminal and we generally hold those individuals accountable. bongsmilie

People also seem to forget that Saddam invaded Kuwait, a sovereign nation and close ally of both Britain and the U.S. That is why we initially bombed them. People don't realize that the Gulf war never ended. There was a cease fire which Saddam violated the terms of over, and over. He's lucky it took 12 years before we invaded their asses again. He should've been taken out originally and it would've solved this entire problem and we wouldn't be having this conversation. That was our mistake, not the second invasion.;-)


New Member
Hey look, there's a fire fight going on. C'mon kids, hop in the van, let's go take a closer look. Don't mind the attack helicopters.


New Member
It's not as if they knew who was in that van before they opened fire. Kids inside.... DOH!!!

Hindsight is 20/20.


Active Member
Blood 4 oil, its gonna be funny when technology makes oil obsolete...it's already here, just taking a while to catch on because of all the gullible puppets. America makes yet another enemy, know what happens to bullys?