"we need more action"


Well-Known Member
Sheesh i was just watching "Marijuana: chronic in america", some special on history channel and this dumb bitch at the end of the show representing the dea says "the War on Marijuana need more action, stricter policies and larger funding". Like seriously? we have been fighting this war for soo long, spending 600BILLION DOLLARS since like 1970s, and its still EVERYWHERE. I mean how many times do you have to fail to realize its a pointless fight? i cant name a person my age who hasnt smoked and for those who tried but dont do it they dont seem to be bothered by marijuana use. The only thing we have going for us is that the strict old ways people are starting to die out, seriously its the 70+ yrolds thats screwing it up. The baby boomers hippys are starting to fill that gap tho and they are more liberal on the topic bc they lived and smoked this "harmful plant" and realize it was a crock of shit-and now its helping them deal with the medical problems that arise in their old age.
i will have to say tho that special was one of the better ones ive watched, yes they had the fed talking crap about it, but 80% of the show was to show how pointless the war on weed is and how its so widely used that action against it is also pointless, and how the American youth doesnt want to fight this prohibition. Joe rogan made a nice point in the show "weed is a sched 1 drug, supposedly its more harmful than cocaine which is shec 2, so marijuana is the strongest gateway drug that leads you to less potent/destructive drugs?-according to the usa classification". just venting about how dumb our fed govt is.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
They just want us in a state of confusion . Ignoring the facts as well as the will of the people to have representation in government .