We need some help with PTSD in Michigan

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
I had to double check my facts. I thought my dad had his original card from PTSD. He didn't, it was from something else, through the VA.
It doesn't have to be for ptsd (you can't get one for that in MI) I am interested in the effect of cannabis on ptsd based on patient experience. There are many cases where I've certified folks for their pain, but as a good side effect their ptsd became more manageable. I want to hear about that.

Dr. Bob

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
Getting some emails, thanks for the help. Need a few more. I'll edit out the personal data and pass them along. Appreciate folks taking the time to tell their story.

Dr. Bob

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
a major benefit of cannabis for people with ptsd is they can get a better nights sleep. without cannabis, sufferers of PTSD frequently wake suddenly, alarmed with urgency as a painful, often life-threatening, dream dissipates as they become fully awake. a rem state of any meaningful duration is more difficult to achieve without this medicine, leaving the person in a consistent state of fatigue and unrest. now with medical cannabis people with this ailment can get 3, 4 or up to 5 or more hours of uninterrupted sleep. this restorative deeper rest allows for an overall better quality of life.

I have no idea of what pharmaceuticals would be used to treat ptsd, or what additional side effects will occur from long-term use of sleeping pills, but I don't want to find out. nature's remedy, medical cannabis works fine for me.

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
Write it up Abe and send it to me.

PTSD is treated for the most part with cognitive therapy- group. The main argument against it is that it works against short term memory and concentration, which decreases the effectiveness of this type of therapy. The main argument for, as I see it, is that you get an immediate improvement in quality of life, even it therapy to develop new coping skills takes a little longer. It is worth the 'trade off' as I see it.

My personal belief is that this is a choice the patient should be able to make. They know their personal situation better than the therapist, and if their marriage is on the line or they are entertaining thoughts of self harm to escape the pain, and they can help these situations with a little cannabis, they should be able to do so without the added stress of potential criminal prosecution.

For this and many other reasons, there are a variety of groups that support giving them access in Michigan. We want to hear from the patients.

Dr. Bob


Well-Known Member
Support Veterans; Recognize PTSD

Your Testimony is Needed to Help PTSD Qualify as a Condition in the MMMP

The Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA) will hold a public hearing on Friday, 25 January to receive comments on the recommendations that were made by the Michigan Medical Marihuana Review Panel on a meeting held 14 December 2012. The panel responded to citizens' requests to have Parkinson's Disease and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) added to the list of medical conditions that qualify for medical marihuana in Michigan. This panel decided to approve Parkinson's Disease, but denied PTSD.
The hearing on the 25th of January is an opportunity for citizens to tell their stories, give evidence or testimony explaining how medical marihuana has helped you or a family member who suffers from PTSD.

Written comments may be submitted at the time of presentation and will also be accepted between 11 January and 11 March at 5p:
Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Health Care Services
Health Care Information Unit
ATTN: Deborha Ingraham, Secretary
PO Box 30670
Lansing, MI 48909
(517) 335-6557

In person testimony:
Friday, 25 January @ 1p
Michigan Library & Historical Centre (Forum Room)
702 W Kalamazoo
Lansing, MI 48909

To review more information of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Program please visit:


Active Member
do not have to be a veteran of war to have ptsd! i am female -not veteran-have ptsd. trauma=ptsd(sometimes) my oldest son committed suicide-i was abused for years and years. certain sounds sights or even smells can cause me to freak out. my current husband has his card and his medicine helps calm me and lets me deal with life on lifes terms! without the medicine i can not deal with life very good. i get all uptight about everything and expect shit to happen. who needs that i just want to live my life now without my past messing me up. i would like to deal with the present -that's what is important right?


Well-Known Member
I do not believe this to be veteran specific mamahippy. I'm not sure where the "Support Veterans" came from in the title, I simply cut & pasted the info here. I'm sure they would more than welcome your story if you are willing to share.

The Growery

Active Member
nice to see PTSD getting recognition. sick of people giving me wierd looks cause I say I still have nightmares on a weekly basis from deployment 5 years ago. the same scene of my friend getting shot in the throat over and over and me standing their helpless and not able to move. sucks.

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
I agree, there were many compelling speakers. I think we as a community made an excellent impression and gave compelling reasons to include PtSD in the list of qualifying condition.

Dr. Bob


Active Member
i was just wondering if any other conditions have been added to the list since the start of the mmj program .

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
i was just wondering if any other conditions have been added to the list since the start of the mmj program .
Not yet.

There are a couple of other conditions that I could use some help with.

Right now, the applications have to be written up a certain way, with medical documentation and supporting testimony, and personally presented to the committee BY THE SUBMITTER. That involves public speaking, traveling to Lansing, etc.

Here are some conditions I am interested in submitting applications for:

1/ Neuromuscular Conditions characterized by tics or tremors such as seen in Parkinsons
2/ Irritable bowel
3/ Narcotic Withdrawal
4/ BiPolar Disorder
5/ Chronic Persistent Anxiety

I am willing to put these together and present them in Lansing. What I really need is a research assistant to help me gather information. The assistant will or will not be listed as a co-submitter, depending on if they want to be identified and/or present the case with me in Lansing.

What I am looking for is someone familiar with and passionate about one or more of the conditions, that will track down FULL TEXT studies supporting the use of cannabis in the condition. Someone that can attest to their personal experience (or that of someone they are close to) with the condition and cannabis.

Most of these application packets are about 100-150 pages long and we need to keep them coming in the pipeline to keep the board seated. If there are no applications to discuss and vote on, or hold public hearings for, they will shut it down before we have everything addressed.

I could use your help. Contact me via PM.

Dr. Bob


New Member
[video=youtube;yeU9wo45vik]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeU9wo45vik&feature=share&list=UU0gXEM1PuZ esn5eLCcXD6cw[/video] a true workhorse for the act bob you should take notes from joe


Well-Known Member
Joe could use a longer tie for Christmas :-o

He is a much better speaker than I remember. I wish I were a better speaker :-(


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;yeU9wo45vik]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeU9wo45vik&feature=share&list=UU0gXEM1PuZ esn5eLCcXD6cw[/video]
That was very serious and accurate testimony. I haven't met blueberry and all I've heard is bad things about him, but watching that video
a have a ton of respect for him now.
I wish there was a way of taking anyone on that panel that votes no for PTSD to be added, and have THEM be raised by my father after
coming home from Vietnam. Actually I take that back. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.