We should form an army

The Red

Active Member
We should all meet up and form a huge army of pot growers and become the cartel within the walls. #NotaCop #lookAtMeHashtaggingOnRollitup #sorryImShitfaced


Well-Known Member
Pot heads plot for peace. Others for war.
I'm a pot head, and I plot for war. I plot for war because I have learned something, the powers that seek to take what makes the country I live in great will use any means to succeed - misinformation, bribery, intimidation, murder, and even outright war if need be. I won't go quiet while what I love is ripped apart, and if they come for me I will speak for myself because no one else seems to be willing to.

Fight or Die, if you'd don't stand for something you'll fall for anything, Don't Tread on Me, give me liberty or give me death - these are all statements just as true for a pot head as they are for anyone else. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be fertilized with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike." - Thomas Jefferson

So there you have it, a stoner, pot head, hippy-looking guy...ready to fight and die for something. If I'm as rare as you seem to think I am, then pot heads were doomed from the start to be trampled under the boots of tyranny, raped of personal liberty, and sacrificed for a lie.


Well-Known Member
I'm a pot head, and I plot for war. I plot for war because I have learned something, the powers that seek to take what makes the country I live in great will use any means to succeed - misinformation, bribery, intimidation, murder, and even outright war if need be. I won't go quiet while what I love is ripped apart, and if they come for me I will speak for myself because no one else seems to be willing to.

Fight or Die, if you'd don't stand for something you'll fall for anything, Don't Tread on Me, give me liberty or give me death - these are all statements just as true for a pot head as they are for anyone else. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be fertilized with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike." - Thomas Jefferson

So there you have it, a stoner, pot head, hippy-looking guy...ready to fight and die for something. If I'm as rare as you seem to think I am, then pot heads were doomed from the start to be trampled under the boots of tyranny, raped of personal liberty, and sacrificed for a lie.
Feel better?? For me theres nothing better to get the morning blood preasure going like a good RANT!!!!!!:):):):)


Well-Known Member
Feel better?? For me theres nothing better to get the morning blood preasure going like a good RANT!!!!!!:):):):)
Hey Dirt, how's it going man? Did I ever tell you I tried to join the Marines, but was rejected? I believe in things, and I'm willing to fight and die for them if need be. If you're not willing to die for what you believe, in my personal view, your beliefs are weak.

And yeah, I suppose I do feel a bit better.


Well-Known Member
The Navy asked me were I wanted to go after i got out of BEEP School,
I told them Vietnam, River boat, That sent me to the shrink who wanted to know why I would want to go
to a place that every one else was afraid of?? I replied, "Twin 50s Man!!" Thats what they had on the front of the boat
and I wanted to mow some grass and kick so ass with that bad ass ed weapon!!
They gave me duty with my cousin, what turned out to be one hell of a party!


Well-Known Member
The Navy asked me were I wanted to go after i got out of BEEP School,
I told them Vietnam, River boat, That sent me to the shrink who wanted to know why I would want to go
to a place that every one else was afraid of?? I replied, "Twin 50s Man!!" Thats what they had on the front of the boat
and I wanted to mow some grass and kick so ass with that bad ass ed weapon!!
They gave me duty with my cousin, what turned out to be one hell of a party!
You didn't want to be a Tunnel Rat? Talk about some crazy fuckers...