Webbie's 1st Hydro Grow


Hi Everyone, wanted to start on my journal on my 1st Hydro grow, i do have growing exp but hydro is my 1st. pictures below is my grow setup, picked up a grow box called "The Roomate" pretty excited to start on using it.

Sept 26/12

Picked up seeds at the seed bank picked up Afghani seeds, and got a free sample of 10 seeds of Purple rockstar kush,

Post-Day 1
Germinating 3 Afghani 1 Purple rockstar, will check on tomorrow



Sept 27/12

Post-Day 2

3 out of 4 seeds cracked, just 1 of the Afghani is the remaining one.

put 3 seeds into the rock wool and placed in clone dome for 2 days.

Put my 3 girls " i hope the free sample turns to a girl lol.." into the grow box with a heater due its been getting colder.

Will check the 4th little girl in in 12 hrs to see if cracked.

Update : 4th seed cracked a little so using the wet paper towel method, Will check in the morning.



Sept 28/12

Post-Day 3

3 out of the 4 seeds are starting to make its way through the rockwool.

the 4th seed finally cracked more will be seeding it into the rockwool shortly.
2012-09-28 08.44.16.jpg

Update 3:20PM

3 of the 4 seeds have started to sprout a little, getting excited!!



Sept 29/12

Post-day 4
took a picture of the girls this morning, they are looking great, the Purple rockstar is sure is growing fast.


The afghani's are taking there time.....


By tomorrow i should be able to give them some light.


Sept 30/12

DAY 1,

Looks like they are ready for light, they are going to be on a 18/6 schedule but i might be changing that to a 24hr since i haven't reprogrammed the box for 24 light schedule


In the lights you go.


mixed my nutes at 1/3 strengh and give them a little water today just enough to keep the rock wool moist.

2:40pm Successfully programed my box to a 24 hr scheduled


Oct 01/12


So far 2 of the 4 girls look like they are sick or something is wrong will have to keep on eye on them, made the mistake making the hole to big inside the rock wool should of made it smaller, so using toothpics to hold the two that look little off.


11:16 am Oct 1 /12

After some rechecking one of the plants seems pretty much dead it seems, no matter it was a free sample anyway, i cut some rock wool into small strips and filled the gaps and seems like its done its job well.



I just noticed that all this time i was talking to myself due to fact i forgot to add that Comments and Suggestions are always welcomed ;)


Oct 02/12

Day 3

Woke up this morning to my surprised that one of the plants have already started to have roots. At the moment soaking the 3" rock wool and will be translating 1 to the bigger rock wool. little concern on the other 2. 1 is pretty small and the 2nd well doesn't look like its doing much.



Received my new PH Pen, its called Bluelab from what ive read seems to be one of the good ones. Updated news on the girls one is just taking right off, will be posting pics today i have to transplant another girl to the 3" rock wool due its already rooting. Also i ordered a Bluelab PPM pen cant wait for that to come in.



Day 05

Oct 04/12

Updated pictures on the girls, one is just doing great, the other 2 are picking up along, figured i used a little to much water on the other 2 hence the slow growth i have fixed that now and seem to be nice and moist. ordered a Bluelab PPM meter will be here tomorrow,


The 3rd one final started to show its root so i transplanted it into a 3" rockwool. i fogot to add that i pre-soak the rockwool with 1/3 of my veg nutes and seems be working great.

20121004_181028.jpg finally with the rest of the family.


Day 06

Oct 5/12

This morning the ladies surprised me again by having its root sticking out of the bottom of the rock wool so its time to put them in the hydro pots and have them watered by the machine.


my new PPM meter came today.


Im growing a Autoflowering strain, so from what i understand it flowers in 8 weeks like they all do, and the info i received was that harvest is about 75 days. so does that i mean i use veg nutes say about 15 days?. if anyone has done autoflowering in this kind of setup please get back to me thanx.


Day 18

Oct 17/12

Wanted to post a quick update, for the past week the ladies where getting mad at me for not supplying them with enough Mag, since i made that correction and also upped the nutes to the Flowering chart "Autoflowering" they sure loved the new water and food. Should be close to the flowering cycle soon since im past the 2 week veg cycle.



Day 39

Nov 07 12

Haven't been updating much has i would like due to "real life' activities. Everything was going great switched to HPS yesterday. However im starting to think it might be time soon to prune, would anyone please let me know if its to early or just leave it for now.

