Weed Brownies!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,

It's Waynes World! (JK haven't seen that movie in a while)

Well really what I wanted to know......

1.How to make weed brownies?

2.Are they worth using the weed for or is it better just to smoke?

3.Can you store the brownies? If so how long?


Well-Known Member
You don't have to just make brownies. What's your favorite food? let your imagination run wild... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
How about some homemade cookies?

Will there be a noticable weed taste or will it add a fucked up texture?


Well-Known Member
Sure you could do cookies no problem. If you can make regular cookies, you can make weed cookies. They will taste fine.


Well-Known Member
If you make cannabutter with your herb then it won't really taste like weed when you finally make the cookies.


Well-Known Member
Didn't you read this? Budder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Budder is reported as being the purest cannabis product available, at anywhere between 82% and 100% THC/CBN/CBD[1], making it several times more potent than the buds of the cannabis plant that are usually consumed (5%–15%). One hit of Budder is supposedly equal to 1 – 2 full cannabis joints. Also the high is reported as being more clear and longer lasting than "average" marijuana.

The effects of budder are reasonably fast-acting and long-lasting, and similar to the effects of smoking cannabis. Initially, the user will experience a sharp increase in body temperature and heart rate. The user will then enter a mellow and soft state of mind for several hours, whose effects can include but are not limited to:
  • auditory and / or visual hallucinations (however not near as potent as magic mushrooms/LSD-25)
  • random stream of consciousness-like thought patterns
  • disconnection / separation from outside events
  • paranoia
  • hunger
Major effects subside after 3 or 4 hours, depending on dosage and THC tolerance of the user. Some effects can still be felt after 8 hours, and in some cases users can feel "burned out" the next day.
Budder is extremely potent and sometimes has a delayed "kick-in" time before it reaches its full effect. The result of this is that users can overconsume and then be overwhelmed by the extreme effect of the drug.


Well-Known Member
No To Be Honest With You I Didn't Even Watch It Yet Due To Me Not Having Speakers And Usually The Videos Have People Talking And Describing What's Going On And It Pisses Me Off That I Can't Hear Them And I Got To Try(keyword) To Read These People's Lips But I Will Check Out In A Few To See What I Can Get Out Of It Without Speakers!!

But I Appreciate The Help