Weed Fraud: you are being Cheated......


Well-Known Member
2 minutes and 3o seconds in he states what is happening but wont say it out right lol


Well-Known Member
they all know and of course we all know the numbers are and have been being inflated ,since day one.
and fudged lab testing so crappy mold laden weed could pass QC.
its actually made it easier for med patients to turn down usage of LP weeds,since we know its not what they say it is

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Fuck that pig grower.

That son of a bitch ruined peoples lives and destroyed families over marijuana, but then profits from it now.
Ya...isn't that the most disgusting thing you can think of. That's how some folks principles work. Influenced by the money they see in the dream they had. We all know and see them for what they are ....wagon jumping no principle scum.
Nothing new really as the world is full of that type.