Weed got you by the balls?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

Reefer madness never goes away. For the past few thousand years, weed hasn't caused any problems besides aggravating bronchitis. If it did anything, Nixon would've released his commission on weed. Now magically it causes your nuts to explode? Seriously? This "news story" that's been making the rounds is biased and utter bullshit with nothing but pseudo-science.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty funny and that article is aimed directly at me being I am a male that is 31 years of age that smokes pot every day, several times a day. Lol! You have to give them credit for going straight for the balls! Lol! Get it! Ha ha ha! I love how they put out these super small studies that are perfomed by some nobody and act like the results are something special. I see this shit everyday at the end of a news bite just as a time filler. For instance, News Broadcaster says "We learned today that at the University of Bullwinkle there were a group of scientists who performed a trial and the outcome was that males could not have babies because they are not women. They tested 100 men and got this surprising result." That is basically how I feel about this little experiment of theirs and how MSNBC would try to throw it out there like it is fact. They are just trying to stop the progress of the cannabis movement that is going on across the country by spouting out lies, so that gullable people will believe it because it came from the news. Back in the day you might have been able to believe what you read in newspapers, heard on the radio, or watched on the news. Nowadays it is a completely different story. You have to make sure the main news outlets are not lying to you by double checking on your own to see if it is true or not. It's fucked up the world we live in today. We can't believe half of what the main stream media portrays to us as truth anymore. Sad, very sad.


Well-Known Member
"The group that is at risk for developing these tumors is overwhelmingly young men.
Holy shit! Young men are the biggest risk group for developing tumors on their nutsacs. I kind of thought it would have been old ladies.


Active Member
i read about that study the other day...their sampling methods were flawed, the only thing they had to say was that there was a small correlation (NOT causation), and that people who smoked a lot of weed weren't any more likely to develop tumors than people who smoked a little...Also, they said that they weren't even sure that it was from weed. They said it could also have been exposure to hormones or pesticides. So in the end, it means almost nothing, but the media blows it way out of proportion (like they always do).

Here is the link to the article I read:

Does anyone know where to find the actual results of this study?


Well-Known Member
If that study is true wouldn't in theory more men have this problem since the same chemicals are already in our bodies?
That study was made up to stop marijuana from becoming legal although tobacco and alcohols does more damage than anything.
Hell it's printed on every box of cigars and cigarettes but yet they willingly sell poison for profit,they basically found men with cancer
and asked which ones smoked weed.fucked up thing is it's illegal now because some idiot decided to say it turned him into a vampire
and some doctor agreed it was bad(2 ppl),yes a fucking vampire but really it was so they could get rid of the hemp market cause they
couldn't control it to make the most profit,it's a reason why the U.S is in debt they let idiots who call themselves scientist/doctors dictate
what is wrong for us and what we can't or shouldn't have.Personally im tired of the bull shit,whose place is it to tell me what i can or can not
do or have if it doesn't effect anyone else in a harmful way.Honestly i think people are too scared to stand up to the government in the U.S
and thats why they can run lies and do what they want.Think about it;in segregation times blacks were punished for skin color and they stood up
and were met with force,but there wasn't enough force in the world to stop the million man march,thats why so many activist were assassinated or
just flat out killed,and why? Cause they put fears aside to stand up for their rights,The original post is about marijuana but the government takes and
has took more than the freedom to smoke/consume what we want,even our personal freedoms and liberties.A man should be able to do whatever he
chooses in the privacy and comfort of his own home.The government don't want us to have anything they can't have a piece of or control.

1 man is like a candle that can be blown out,100 men are like a book of matches that can also be blown out,1000 men are like a lighter that keeps getting blown out but still has fuel,
but 100,000 men is a wild fire that's hard to control and only stops when its done.I'm tired of being that blown out candle,ARE YOU?


New Member
weed alters your brain chemistry, including neurotransmitters and hormones (the ones that secrete from your pituitary to your hypothalamus and then down to your gonads)

sure, i would say this could absolutely be true.

get over the whole "reefer madness, someone's trying to decieve me" denial dude. could very well be true

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
This is propaganda. There's no peer review. This is like making a study about homeopathy and saying it helps. Without a real study, you could make homeopathy not look like bunk bullshit. But real trials have proven time and again, homeopathy is bunk.

If 51% are caused by weed, why hasn't testicular cancer rates risen by at least 33%? 51% of people now look favorably at weed, hmmmm? Even if cancer rates did increase and weed use increased, could another factor be the cause?

The testing method used in this "study" is called epidemiologic. It wasn't a controlled scientific study. Epidemiologic studies are junk pseudo-science.

Btw, one star? For shame!

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
another example of where moderation is key
Actually the study states that people that are habitual users aren't anymore likely than recreational users. If weed was the cause of the increase then taking more "carcinogens" should increase the risk.

I guess women luck out though but I'd take my chances rather than having to bleed every month.


Well-Known Member
Man some folks belive every thing they read on the internet.
And people who are against MMJ will fabrecate any thing they can
in hopes some dumb ass falls for their miss information.
Kinda like Romney saying, oops nevermind......


Active Member
hahaha laughable im surprised this came out of California as well guess its the FEDS pushing retarded "studies" to the public to show how evil it is lol


Active Member
Its weird they dont talk about the 400,000 dying from prescription pills that dont cure any disease or any symptom for that matter.... But weed causes testicular cancer right........ I hate people.....


Active Member
Think about it;in segregation times blacks were punished for skin color and they stood up
I thought that was only a reminder that plenty of white people were jumping inline to do the work to build and grow, but that's just what I heard from my great grandparents. laptops well they get me by the balls, it's much more likely to get cancer from them. oh well i'm pretty dumb on dope now.

Nobody likes breaking the law, and marijuana has always been hard to find medicine for my eye. The stress from conservative right wingers pushing this super stuff into a classist zone is totally ignorant. imho i don't need a proven sign but I guess the cool folks here are legal growers. soon as i quit i started feeling bad...


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Its weird they dont talk about the 400,000 dying from prescription pills that dont cure any disease or any symptom for that matter.... But weed causes testicular cancer right........ I hate people.....
Bipolar med side effects: thyroid dysfunction, liver failure, kidney failure, *fizzy drinks taste weird, blindness, stephen-johnson syndrome(death rash), *abdominal cramps, *bloody stool, *psychopathic rage, *grind teeth, *depression, *fatigue, *sleep loss, weight gain or loss, *tingling/numb face, *bloody and dry nose and death.

The ones with stars is what I experienced.

Even if true, there is posibly a 1% chance increase of testicular cancer over the general population? That is worth all those effects from pharmasuiticals?

My only side effects of weed, only when high, are: hungry, loss of clear thought, slight paranoia sometimes and overly emotional.

But my worst time high is still thousands of times better than any of my bad bipolar episodes I have taken weed to alleviate my condition.

Lots of doctors in psychiatry say marijuana makes bipolar worse. For almost a year, I can function which I couldn't on pharmasuiticals. Doctors are full of shit.


Well-Known Member
Vasectomy's are more likely to cause cancer in your nut sack than anything else!
Smoking or using Marijuana in any way causes the haters more pain and suffering than we know,
They see us using it instead of their high priced drugs, using it to quit smoking cigarettes and
to help the alcoholic get away from booze, it all costs them and their stock holders. (The 1% )
So if you don't hold any stock in any of these industries you just won't get it.......